Page 760 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 760
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
The A series meters ranges from single phase to A series supports following instrumentation val-
three phase meters and from basic up to ad- ues dependent on version of meter:
vanced functionality without any comparison. • Active energy
The A series meters are mounted on a DIN rail and • Current
are suitable for installation in distribution boards • Voltage
and small enclosures such as consumer units. • Power factor
With the main terminals in accordance with DIN • Reactive power
43857 and accessible from the below the meters, • Total harmonic distortion
the A series is suitable for many applications. • Apparent power
• Frequency
The low rated or base currents of these products • Harmonics
ensures high dynamic performance with superior
accuracy even at low currents. The meters sup- A series meters with a functionality level of Gold
port a wide voltage range as well as a wide tem- or Platinum have an internal clock for
perature range. The display is pixel-oriented and advanced functionality:
can display up to four quantities at the same • Event log
time. Navigating the meter is easily done via the • Previous values
push-buttons below the display. To configure the • Load profile
meter settings, the set button must be accessed • Maximum and minimum demand
and this
button is protected against unauthorized use The tariffs are controlled via inputs, via
when the “glass lid” on the front of the meter communication or via an internal clock in Gold and
is closed and sealed. The exceptional low power Platinum versions.
consumption of the meters makes them
economical in the long run - an important feature The A series support up to four I/O’s. It can be
specially for large meter populations.
two inputs and two outputs in a fixed configura-
tion or four I/O points that are freely configured
Data from the A series meters can be collected via to input or output. Inputs can be used for count-
pulse output or serial communication. The pulse ing pulses from e.g. a water meter, or reading sta-
output is a solid state relay that generates pulses tus from external devices. Outputs can be used as
proportionally to the measured energy. The me- pulse outputs or controlling external apparatus
ters can also be equipped with built-in serial com- like
munication interfaces for M-Bus or Modbus RTU a contactor or an alarm (connected via an external
(RS-485). Meters with RS-485 interface can also relay). The I/O’s need an external voltage supply.
be set to communicate over the new EQ bus with The A series meters are type approved according
the gateway G13. All meters in the A series come to IEC and they are both type approved and veri-
with an infrared port for communication with an fied according to MID. MID is the Measuring In-
external Serial Communication Adapter (SCA) struments Directive 2014/32/EU from the Euro-
such as the KNX adapter.
pean Commission. MID type approval and
verification is mandatory for meters in billing ap-
plications within EU and EEA. The type approval is
according to standards that covers all relevant
technical aspects of the meter. These include cli-
mate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical re-
quirements and accuracy.