Page 783 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 783
Energy efficiency
Circuit Monitoring System
Tangible value added for you
ABB circuit monitoring pays off twofold
Early warning system (predictive maintenance) Cost analysis to reduce and assign energy costs
for increasing the availability of critical consumers The cost of energy will rise continuously. In order to cut
Continuous monitoring of the current flow at the circuit costs, you first have to know where they arise. The Control
breaker makes it possible to detect overloaded lines before Unit helps illustrate and analyze the instantaneous energy
they lead to a service interruption. Apart from this, monitor- consumption levels. Furthermore, the calculated active en-
ing individual circuits indicates whether the loads are in the ergy can be used to roughly allocate the costs at the output
desired operating mode or not. In this way, system devia- level.
tions can be ascertained instantaneously. What’s more, the
CMS can be used to detect unbalanced loads before they re-
sult in failure of the neutral conductor and consequently
load failure.