Page 325 - Ferraz semiconductor DIN
P. 325

Semiconductor fuses
       Semiconductor (AC) fuses

       Other Protistor Fuses
       Ferrule Fuses
       14x51 gRC(URC) - 600 V to 690 VAC

        DC Application data

            L/R (ms)
                                              L/R (ms)                               Um (V)
        80                                                                     1100
        70                                                                     1000
                                           70                                   900
        50              1                                                       800
                                           40                3                  600
        20                                 20
                                                             2                      0
        10                                 10                                           100  200  300  400  500  600
         0                                 0
               100  200  300  400  500  600      100  200  300  400  500  600
           0                                 0                                                           U (V)
                                   U (V)                             U (V)
       Above. left and center: Curves indicate the permissible value of time constant L/R  Above, right: Curve indicates peak arc
       as a function of DC working voltage:                               voltage Um which may appear across
                                                                          fuse terminals at working voltage U.
       1- For rating 1,2 and 4 A (gRC) Ip ≥ 1,6 I N
       2- Ip ≥ 1,6 I for gRC only (rating 6 to 50 A)
       3- Ip ≥ 2,5 I for gRC and URC (rating 6 to 63 A)
       NEW gR-CLASS
                                                             t              t
       OPTIMAL PROTECTION OF POWER EQUIPMENT                   C   100A "aR"     100A "gR"
       Thanks to recent technological developments, Ferraz Shawmut today  2h
       markets gR-class PROTISTOR ® fuses capable of clearing all types of over-
                                                            30s      C'
       loads, from low multiples of current ratings up to very high short-circuit
       currents. Enhanced performance enables these fuses to provide solu-
                                                                                           100A aR vs. 100A gR
       tions to many previously unsolved problems in power electronics: pro-
       tection of cables without the use of additional components,  protection
       of equipment from fire hazards, selective coordination of different fuses  I   I
       within a single power distribution installation...        300A        110A
                                                              minimum interrupting
                                                        SELECTIVE COORDINATION
                                                        gR-class semiconductor fuses can be utilized in association with gI and gG-class
                      aR              gR                low voltage power distribution fuses of the same current rating, installed upst-
                                                        ream. In a “selectively coordinated“ distribution installation, melting is limited
                                                        to the fuse associated with the faulted circuit, while upstream fuses remain
                                                        intact. This prevents unnecessary down-time due to power blackouts in non-
                                                        faulted branches.
                                                                                      gG 100A
                                                                Example of      gR 100A  gR 100A
                 Before          After                          coordination
                                                                              M           M
       aR-CLASS vs. gR-CLASS                     FERRAZ SHAWMUT EXPERTISE
       aR-class fuses feature a high minimum inter-  gR-class fuses should be used in the design of low voltage equipment and in the protection of
       rupting current as compared with their cur-  power electronics equipment. Designers can often substitute a gR-class fuse for an aR-class fuse
       rent rating. The primary time-current charac-  (10x38, 14x51, 22x58, PSC 000 and 17x49 DIN80 or BS 88-4) but the reverse is not true:  an aR
       teristic of aR-class fuses is the CC’ curve,  fuse can never replace a gR fuse. Start protecting your new equipment with gR-class fuses today.
       above which another protection device must  The application  of gR class fuses, with current ratings less than 100 Amps,  offers enhanced pro-
       be associated. The gR-class fuse represents  tection, safety and reliability, along with reduced risk of replacement errors and assembly costs.
       considerably improved performance in semi-
       conductor protection

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