Page 12 - Fuse link Catalogue
P. 12


                                                             Table 1 Full Load Currents of Typical 3-Phase
                                                             Induction Motors at Voltages Shown
                                                             Motor Rating
       All type ‘T’ fuse links have excellent ability to protect motor circuits.
                                                                 kW       HP   220V 380V 415V 440V 550V 660V
       When selected in the manner shown below, they not only withstand
                                                                 0.37     0.5  2.0  1.15  1.05  1.0   0.8   0.7
       motor starting surges and full load currents without deteriorating, but
                                                                 0.55    0.75  2.7   1.6   1.5  1.4   1.1   0.9
       also provide superior short circuit protection to associated motor
                                                                 0.75     1    3.9   2.3   2.0  1.9   1.5   1.3
       starter components. Leading manufacturers of motor starters can offer
                                                                 1.1      1.5  4.7   2.8   2.5  2.4   1.9   1.6
       ASTA certified type ‘c’ co-ordination to Appendix C of BS4941:1979
                                                                 1.5      2    6.5   3.8   3.5  3.3   2.6   2.2
       (IEC292-1) and more recently type 2 co-ordination to IEC 947-4-1, by
                                                                 2.2      3    9.3   5.4   5.0  4.7   3.8   3.2
       using 660V type ‘T’ fuse links in combination with their chosen
                                                                  3       4    12    7.1   6.5  6.1   4.9   4.1
       contactors and overload relays.
                                                                  4       5.5  15.4  9.0   8.4  7.9   6.4   5.3
       Please consult IPD Industrial Products for further information on this
                                                                 5.5      7.5  20.7  11.9  11   10.3  8.2   6.9
                                                                 7.5      10   28   16.1  14.4  14   11.2   9.3
                                                                 11       15   39.1  23    21   19.8  15.8  13.2
                                                                 15       20   52.8  30.5  28   26.4  21.1  17.6
                                                                 18.5     25   66    38    35   33   26.4   22
                                                                 22       30   77    45    41   39    31    26
                                                                 30       40   103   60    55   52    42    35
       Selecting HRC Fuse Links to Protect 3-Phase Motor Circuits  37     50   128   75    69   65    52   43.3
       1. Table 1 opposite gives motor full load currents at various voltages.  45  60  151  87  80  75  60  50
       In the absence of specific information obtain the motor FLC from this  55  75  185  107  98  92  74  62
       table.                                                    75      100   257   148  136   128   102   85
       2. The motors are assumed to produce the starting conditions shown  90  120  308  180  164  154  123  102
       on Table 2.                                               110     150   370   214  196   185   148  123
       3. Choose the recommended fuse link for the motor FLC and starting  132  175  426  247  226  213  170  142
       condition from Table 3 (D.O.L. starting) or Table 4 (assisted starting).  150  200  500  292  268  252  202  168
       4. For certified type C and type 2 co-ordinated motor starters, 550 &  160  215  -  300  275  260  207  173
       660V fuse links must be specified.                        200     270    -    391  358   338   270  225

                                                                 240     320    -    467  428   404   323  269
                                                                 280     375    -    533  488   460   368  307
                                                                 300     400    -    573  525   495   396  330
                                                                 320     425    -    587  538   507   406  338

                         Table 2 Assumed Starting Conditions
                           Motor rating         Direct-on-line starting conditions  Assisted start conditions
                           Up to 1kW            5xFLC for 5 secs            2.5xFLC for 20 secs
                           1.1 to 7.5kW         6xFLC for 10 secs
                           7.6 to 75kW          7xFLC for 10 secs           3.5xFLC for 20 secs
                           Greater than 75kW    6xFLC for 15 secs

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