Page 223 - V17
P. 223

Power Supplies & Transformers


                                                 SINGLE PHASE STATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES
        Features:                                 Nominal                    Connections
           - Break before make                    Voltage AC (V)  Rated Current (A)  Input  Output  Part No.         1
           - Adopts SCR with a relay in parallel as a   200/208/220/   16    C20 x 2    C13 x 4 + C19 x 1  STS16002SR00035  1 1
          switching device                        230/240        (1)
           - Supports power redundant configurations            30           IEC309-32A  IEC309-32A  STS30002SR10035
           - Monitors power source and performs the   (1)  Under the condition of 35˚C; if the environment temperature is 36-40˚C, the product should
          transfer automatically                   be de-rated to 25.6 A
           - Built-in SNMP for remote management
           - LED indicators show power flow
           - Self-test function
           - Rack-mounted



                                                 BYPASS SWITCHES - 3 POSITION
        Features:                                                            Terminal Size   Cable Size
           - Make before break, wrap-around       Rated Current (A) Rated Power (kW)  (mm²)  (mm²)  Part No.
           - Push button interlock with auxiliary contact  40   10           6          4           UPC3/40HCL
           - Mechanical interlocks                63            20           16         10          UPC3/63HCL
           - Steel enclosure                      80            30           16         16          UPC3/80HCL
           - Wall-mounted
                                                  100           40           16         16          UPC3/100ICL
                                                  125           60           35         25          UPC3/125ICL
                                                  160           80           70         35          UPC3/160JCL
                                                  200           100          95         50 or 2 x 25  UPC3/200GCL
                                                  250           150          95         70 or 2 x 25  UPC3/250GCL
                                                  400           200          240        70 or 2 x 25  UPC3/400XCL


                                               1300 556 601  |  |  V17-R06                       223
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