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(EN 62305-3), a minimum wall thickness of the enclosure of    currents  (follow  currents)  up  to  100  kA rms  . Undesired supply
          4 mm is required for steel.  The lightning protection sys-  disruption resulting from tripping main fuses is thus prevented.
          tem  must  meet  the  requirement  according  to Annex  D  of    Type 2 DEHNguard M TNS 275 FM surge arresters are installed
          IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) “Additional information for LPS   in the downstream sub-distribution boards.
          in the case of structures with a risk of explosion”. If the Ex   A modular multipole DEHNventil combined arrester with high
          zones of exhaust openings are located in the protected vol-  follow current limitation is installed in the distribution board of
          ume of lightning current carrying metal parts of the enclo-  the CHP (Figure 9.3.10). This prewired spark-gap-based com-
          sure, no additional air-termination systems are required. If   bined arrester comprises a base part and plug-in protection
          this is not the case, additional air-termination systems must   modules. DEHNventil ensures maximum availability of the in-
          be  installed  to  protect  the  exhaust  openings  from  direct   stallation, disconnection selectivity with respect to 20 A gL/gG
          lightning strikes.                           fuses as well as limitation and extinction of mains follow cur-
                                                       rents up to short-circuit currents of 100 kA rms  .
          Earthing concept                             If DEHNventil is installed close to the loads (≤ 5 m), protection
          To avoid high potential differences between the individual   of terminal equipment is also ensured.
          earth-termination systems, they are interconnected to an over-
          all earth-termination system (Figure 9.3.9). This is achieved   Remote monitoring
          by intermeshing the individual earth-termination systems of   The remote monitoring system ensures that the performance
          the buildings and systems. Mesh sizes from 20 m x 20 m to    data of the biogas plant are permanently available. The instal-
          40 m x 40 m have proven to be economically and technically   lation-specific measured values can be directly read off the ac-
          feasible.  By  intermeshing  all  earth-termination  systems,  po-  quisition unit. This unit features interfaces such as Ethernet or
          tential differences between the parts of the installation are   RS 485 which are connected to a PC and / or modems for remote
          considerably  reduced. Moreover, the  voltage  stress on  the   enquiry and maintenance. Remote monitoring, for example via
          electrical connecting cables between the buildings in case of   modem, allows service staff to log on to existing systems and
          lightning effects is reduced.                to provide immediate support to the operator in case of failure.
                                                       The modem is connected to the network termination unit (NTBA)
          Feeding electricity into the grid            of a basic ISDN connection. It must also be ensured that the
          The biogas produced is typically used in gas or pilot injection   measured data are forwarded by means of the telecommunica-
          engines to generate electricity and heat. In this context, such   tion network via ISDN modem to provide permanent monitoring
          engines are referred to as combined heat and power plants   and to optimise the installation’s performance. For this purpose,
          (CHP). These CHPs are located in a separate operations build-  the U k0  interface upstream of the NTBA which is connected to
          ing. The electrical equipment, switchgear cabinets and control   the ISDN modem is protected by a BLITZDUCTOR XT combined
          cabinets are housed in the same room or in a separate room of   arrester (Figure 9.3.11). It is advisable to use a DEHNprotector
          this operations building. The electricity generated by the CHPs   surge arrester to protect the power and data side of telecom-
          is fed into the public grid (Figure 9.3.10).  munications terminal equipment and telephone systems with RJ
                                                       connection. Figure 9.3.11 shows an example of how to protect
          Lightning equipotential bonding, which must be established   a CCTV camera by means of these arresters. A shielded UKGF
          for all conductive systems entering the building, is an integral   BNC surge arrester is provided for the coaxial cable (video trans-
          part of a lightning protection system. Lightning equipotential   mission system). More detailed information on the protection of
          bonding requires that all metal systems be incorporated in the   CCTV systems can be found in chapter 9.7 “Surge protection for
          equipotential bonding so as to cause as little impedance as pos-  CCTV systems”.
          sible and that all live systems are indirectly integrated in the
          equipotential bonding via type 1 surge protective devices. Light-  Process control
          ning equipotential bonding should be established as close as   The control unit is a key element of a biogas plant. Its function
          possible to the entrance point into the structure to prevent par-  is to centrally actuate all pumps and mixers, record process
          tial lightning currents from entering the building. The incoming   data such as the gas volume and gas quality, monitor the tem-
          230/400 a.c. lines of the main low-voltage distribution board   perature, acquire all input materials as well as visualise and
          of the consumer installation (Figure 9.3.10) are protected by   document all data.
          type 1 surge protective devices (SPDs). DEHNbloc, for example,   If the process control fails as a result of surges, processes for
          is a type 1 surge protective device with RADAX Flow spark gaps   biogas production are interfered with and interrupted. Since
          for power supply systems. This lightning current arrester has a   these processes are extremely complex, unscheduled down-
          discharge capacity up to 50 kA (10/350 μs) per pole. The patent-  time can lead to further problems so that the standstill period
          ed RADAX Flow principle limits and extinguishes short-circuit   may be extended to several weeks.

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