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                                                    distribution board
                                        M                of the CHP
                      3   3   3   3   3           4   3   4
        generating plant                                                  G  M

                                                                M      3
            consumer  3   3   3   3      3        4   3   4            3
                                                                       3     5
                     20 kV; 3 ~ 50 Hz                                ≤125 A

       No.              Surge protective device          Part No. Notes
       Feed-in system / main distribution board
            TN-C system  3 x DEHNbloc DB M 1 255 FM      961 125
                                                                 Single-pole spark-gap-based lightning
            TN-S system  4 x DEHNbloc DB M 1 255 FM      961 125  current arrester with high follow current
                        3 x DEHNbloc DB M 1 255 FM       961 125  limitation and remote signalling contact
            TT system
                        + 1 x DEHNgap DGP M 255 FM      + 961 105
            TN-C system  3 x DEHNbloc Maxi DBM 1 255 S   900 220
                                                                 Coordinated lightning current arrester
            TN-S system  4 x DEHNbloc Maxi DBM 1 255 S   900 220
                                                                 with integrated arrester backup fuse
                        3 x DEHNbloc Maxi DBM 1 255 S    900 220  for industrial busbar systems
            TT system
                        + 1 x DEHNgap Maxi DGPM 1 255 S  + 900 050
            TN-C system  3 x DEHNvenCI DVCI 1 255 FM     961 205
                                                                 Combined arrester with integrated arrester
            TN-S system  4 x DEHNvenCI DVCI 1 255 FM     961 205
                                                                 backup fuse and a voltage protection level
                        3 x DEHNvenCI DVCI 1 255 FM      961 205  ≤ 1.5 kV for terminal equipment
            TT system
                        1 x DEHNgap DGP M 255 FM         961 105
       Sub-distribution board
            TN-C system  DEHNguard DG M TNC 275 FM       952 305
                                                                 Multipole surge arrester with Thermo
            TN-S system  DEHNguard DG M TNS 275 FM       952 405  Dynamic Control and remote signalling
            TT system   DEHNguard DG M TT 275 FM         952 315  contact
       Generating plant
            TN-C system  DEHNventil DV M TNC 255 FM      951 305
                                                                 Modular combined arrester with high
            TN-S system  DEHNventil DV M TNS 255 FM      951 405  follow current limitation and a voltage
            TT system   DEHNventil DV M TT 255 FM        951 315  protection level ≤ 1.5 kV
       Figure 9.3.10  Excerpt from the block diagram of a biogas plant

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