Page 276 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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In modern biogas plants, biodegradable organic substrates   precautions and protection measures, potential risk sources
       such as manure, dung, grass, straw, green waste, residues of   which may cause failure or a dangerous event are considered
       the sugar, wine and beer production, leftovers and grease are   in a risk analysis according to the German Federal Immission
       fermented in an air-tight container (fermenter). In this oxygen-  Control  Act  (BImSchG) / Ordinance  on  Industrial  Safety  and
       free atmosphere, bacteria produce biogas from the ferment-  Health (BetrSichV).
       able, organic biomass components. This bio gas is used to gen-  The German Safety Regulations for Agricultural Biogas Plants
       erate heat and electricity.                  published by the German Agricultural Professional Association
                                                    as well as the German BGR 104 specify that measures which
       Figure 9.3.1 shows the basic principle of a biogas plant.    prevent the ignition of dangerous explosive atmospheres must
       Biogas plants frequently consist of feed-in systems for solids   be taken in potentially explosive atmospheres to avoid ignition
       and / or liquid substrates, one or more heated fermenters, a   sources.
       storage tank, a post-fermenter, if any, a gas tank and a gas   According to sub-clause 5.3.1 of the EN 1127-1 standard,
       treatment unit, if any. The gas engine with heat exchanger and   there are thirteen different ignition sources. In sub-clause
       a generator connected to it is referred to as combined heat   5.3.8 of the EN 1127-1 standard and in the German BGR 104,
       and power station (CHP). Depending on the energy content of   lightning is defined as a possible ignition source: “If lightning
       biogas, a combined heat and power station generates electric-  strikes in an explosive atmosphere, ignition will always occur.
       ity with an efficiency of about 30 % and heat with an efficiency   Moreover, there is also a possibility of ignition due to the high
       of about 60 %. While the electricity is fed into the public power   temperature reached by lightning conductors. Large currents
       grid, some of the heat is used for heating the fermenter and   flow from where the lightning strikes and these currents can
       the waste heat is used, for example, for heating residential and   produce sparks in the vicinity of the point of impact. Even in
       agricultural buildings.                      the absence of lightning strikes, thunderstorms can cause high
                                                    induced voltages in equipment, protective systems and com-
       Necessity of a lightning protection system   ponents”.
       Different hazards and risks for persons, the environment and
       system technology can occur during the generation, storage   A risk analysis according to the calculation method specified
       and energy recovery of biogas. To be able to take adequate   in IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) must be performed to define the

               collection pit                                              cooler

                          pump  weighing vessel
                                    mixer       hygienisation tank

             liquid                                                    cooling tank
            container                                                                 electricity
                                scales  valve                             exhaust
                                                                          gas burner
                                    pump      valve                 pump
                                      fermenter          gas analysis       CHP
            grain silo  pump                                                            heat
                                                           gas line         control
                                                            storage tank
                         circulation                                       electrical
                            pump                                         equipment room
                                               valve valve
                               mixer            mixer                          treatment  gas grid
                          mill                                                  unit

       Figure 9.3.1  System overview of a biogas plant

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