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operations building
                                                                                    measuring point

              Protection for…             Type                                     Part No.
                                          DEHNguard DG M TN 275                    952 200
                             TN system
              Power supply                DEHNguard DG M TN 275 FM                 952 205
              system                      DEHNguard DG M TT 2P 275 or              952 110
                             TT system
                                          DEHNguard DG M TT 2P 275 FM              952 115
              Oxygen measure-  e.g. 4 to 20 mA  BLITZDUCTOR BXT ML4 BE S 24 + BXT BAS base part or  920 224 + 920 300
              ment device                 BLITZDUCTOR BXT ML2 BE 24 + BXT BAS base part  920 324 + 920 300
          Figure 9.4.2  Division of the operations building into lightning protection zones; example: selection of surge protective devices for the oxygen
                  measurement device

            ing to the previous IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) standard,    plies with the recommendations in the German VdS pub-
            VGA 280/4 surge protective devices (SPDs) installed at the   lication 2010).
            entrance point of the 230/400 V power supply line into the   ¨  Installation of type 1 SPDs according to IEC 61643-11
            building, VM 280 SPDs of requirement class C installed   (EN 61643-11)  (power  supply)  and  SPDs  of  category  D1
            in the switchgear cabinets of the measuring and control   according to IEC 61643-21 (EN 61643-21) for the informa-
            equipment).                                  tion technology lines (measuring and control lines as well
                                                         as telecommunication lines) at the zone transitions from
          ¨  The following types of loss are relevant: L2: Loss of service   LPZ 0 A  to 1.
            to the public (water supply and wastewater disposal) and   ¨  Type 2 SPDs according  to IEC 61643-11 (EN 61643-11)
            L4: Loss of economic value (structures and their contents).   (power supply) and surge protective devices of category C2
            Type of damage L1: Loss of human life was excluded since   according to IEC 61643-21 (EN 61643-21) for the informa-
            the plant will be fully automated at a later date.  tion technology lines (measuring and control lines as well
          An assessment of the actual state shows that the calculated   as telecommunication lines) at the zone transitions from
          risk R for the types of damage L2 and L4 is still considerably   LPZ 0 B  to 1 and 1 to 2.
          higher than the tolerable risk R T .
                                                       Lightning protection zone concept
                                                       To ensure maximum technical and economic protection, the
          Possible protection measures are taken to ensure R < R T  for   operations building is subdivided into lightning protection
          both types of damage:
                                                       zones (LPZs). Subsequently, a risk analysis is carried out for
          ¨  Installation of a lightning protection system with class of   each LPZ and the relevant types of damage. The mutual de-
            LPS III according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) (this com-  pendences of the LPZs are then examined and the required

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