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tor must be installed vertically in a straight line and must have
       a cross-section of at least 16 mm  (copper), 25 mm  (insulated
       aluminium) or 50 mm  (steel) (Figure 9.5.8). The connections
       of the equipotential bonding conductor, for example to pipe
       clamps and equipotential bonding bars, must be dimensioned
       for lightning currents and tested to IEC 62561-1 (EN 62561-1).
       The equipotential bonding conductor must be installed as far   ...
       as possible from conductors and earthed systems since in case
       of a lighting strike the same physical interactions occur that
       must be observed for keeping the separation distance in an
       external lightning protection system. In addition, natural com-
       ponents of the building / installation may be used as earthing                terminal
       conductor if they are permitted, electrically conductive and        amplifier  block
       have the same dimensions as standard earthing conductors.
       Also in this case, equipotential bonding must be established   building entrance
       as described before, however, without connecting the lowest
       point of the cable shields to the main earthing busbar (Figure
       9.5.8).                                                                    4 mm  Cu
       The DEHNcon-H solution where the high-voltage-resistant,
       insulated down conductor is routed to the earth-termination
       system provides more effective protection from the effects of
       a lightning strike than earthing the antenna mast. The connec-
       tion at the mast is made via the existing protective bonding   No.  Surge protective device  Part No.
       conductor (Figure 9.5.9).                          DEHNgate DGA GFF TV          909 705
       Building with broadband cable connection           DEHNgate DGA FF TV           909 703
       If a broadband cable enters the building, lightning strikes   DEHNflex DFL M 255  924 396
       are to be expected. Therefore, only lightning current carrying
       surge protective devices such as DEHNgate GFF TV are used    Figure 9.5.10  Broadband cable connection with surge protective
       (Figure 9.5.10).                                       devices

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