Page 292 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 292

Nowadays conventional satellite and terrestrial antennas   Earth-termination system
       are  almost  exclusively  installed  on  the  roofs  of  buildings.   An  earth-termination  system  may  consist  of  one  foundation
       Therefore, the IEC 60728-11 (EN 60728-1) standard calls for   earth electrode, two horizontal earth electrodes (earth strips)
       earthing measures in addition to equipotential bonding and   with a length of 2.5 m and an angle > 60 ° each, one verti-
       lightning equipotential bonding of the cable network (cable   cal earth electrode (earth rod) with a length of 2.5 m or two
       shields). This standard typically applies to stationary systems   vertical earth electrodes with a length of 1.5 m each spaced at
       and devices. Mobile systems (e.g. caravans), which are also   intervals of 3 m (Figure 9.5.1). It must be observed that earth-
       covered by the standard, are not dealt with here.  termination systems must be connected to the main earthing
       Moreover, this practical solution does not describe earthing   busbar (MEB). The earth electrode must have a minimum cross-
       measures for antenna systems installed at locations with a low   section of 50 mm  (copper) or 90 mm  (galvanised or stainless
       risk of lightning strikes and equipotential bonding in case of let-  steel) (typical: flat strip 30 x 35 mm; cross-section of 105 mm ).
       go threshold currents ≤ 3.5 mA, which are both not required.
       In general, antennas installed in conformity with this stand-  Equipotential bonding
       ard do not increase the probability of a lightning strike and   To ensure that persons and property are protected, the cable
       earthed antenna standpipes are no substitute for a lightning   network must be integrated in the protective equipotential
       protection system.                           bonding of the building. If cables are installed in such a way

                                                                      1 m
                                                                           1.5 m
                                                        2.5 m
                  foundation earth electrode  1 m                     3 m          1.5 m
                                                      earth rod                     earth rod

                                                                           earth connection

                                           0.5 m
                                       1 m
        general installation   α > 60 °  α                                    building
        depth of the earth                                                    foundation
        electrode: > 0.5 m    2.5 m   2.5 m
        (frost depth)    earth strip                           steel frame, steel buildings

       Figure 9.5.1  Permitted earth electrodes

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