Page 326 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 326

The function of an M-bus (meter bus) is to transfer meter read-  meters installed on site are collected in sub-stations and are
       ings  of consumption  meters.  Data can  be  centrally  read  off   centrally transmitted to the system panel via the bus line.
       from all devices connected to an M-bus system, either directly   As shown in Figure 9.12.1, a central master (in the simplest
       on site or via data transfer in an external control room. This   case a PC with a downstream level converter) communicates
       increases e.g. the living quality of tenants and allows to check   with the bus devices via a bus line. The installation can be
       the energy consumption of an entire building at any time.   subdivided into M-bus segments using M-bus repeaters. Up to
       The M-bus system is used for consumption cost billing and re-  max. 250 slaves such as heat meters, water meters, electricity
       mote monitoring of                           meters, gas meters, sensors and actuators of any type can be
       ¨  Community and district heating systems as well as  connected per segment. More and more manufacturers inte-
       ¨  Multi-family houses                       grate the electric M-bus interface including the protocol level
       Centralised and distributed systems can be used to read off   in their consumption meters.
       data from consumption meters.                The M-bus is a two-wire bus system which is supplied by the
       If the consumption meters are located in close proximity to the   bus master. All other bus devices of the M-bus must not be
       system panel, a simple and cost-effective centralised system   connected to earth during operation. The maximum bus volt-
       architecture is preferred. In this case, every single consumption   age is 42 V.
       meter is wired to the system panel in a radial configuration.   Lines as well as the connected M-bus devices and protective
       If a distributed system is used, the data of the consumption   circuits stress the M-bus segment due to their resistances and

                  direct connection                            telephone connection

                         RS 232                                        RS 232
            M-bus panel
                         RS 485
           level converter
          RS 485  M-bus
                                                    modem                           modem
                                                                telephone network

                                                       RS 232                           RS 232

                                                          M-bus panel

                                                                       M-bus panel
                                                         level converter   remote monitoring of
                               bus segment                               an M-bus system with
                                                                         5 consumption meters
                                                RS 485
                                                       M-bus                       M-bus


       Figure 9.12.1  System example for an M-bus

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