Page 321 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 321

¨  Are there potential sources of electromagnetic interfer-  ¨  Shielded data cables and power lines should use the
            ence such as radio-relay systems, mobile phone base sta-  same riser duct in the building backbone area. Separate
            tions, assembly lines or elevators?          riser ducts opposed to one another must be avoided. A
          ¨  What about the quality of the electrical energy (e.g.   distance of 20 cm between these two different types of
            harmonics, flickers, voltage drops, excess voltages, tran-  cables should not be exceeded.
            sients)?                                   ¨  The power lines for the devices and the relevant data lines
          ¨  What about the risk of a lightning strike (e.g. frequency)?  must be basically routed via the same cable route. Sepa-
          ¨  Is there possible emission?                 rating webs should be provided. In the horizontal area, it
                                                         is advisable to keep a distance of max. 10 cm between
          To ensure the performance of data networks even in case   these lines.
          of the increased requirements to be expected in the future,   ¨  If a lightning protection system is installed on the build-
          special attention has to be given to the electromagnetic com-  ing, the safety distances between the power / data lines
          patibility of the installation. Therefore, the design of a data   and elements of the external lightning protection system
          network should include an earthing and equipotential bond-  (air-termination systems, down conductors) must be kept
          ing concept which provides information on:
                                                         and power / data lines must not be routed in parallel with
          ¨  Cable duct and cable routing
          ¨  Cable structure
          ¨  Active components
          ¨  Lightning protection
          ¨  Shielding of signal lines
          ¨  Equipotential bonding
          ¨  Surge protection

          The most important measures to ensure EMC and thus undis-
          turbed data transmission are:
                                                                       direct earthing
          ¨  Spatial separation of known sources of electromagnetic
            interference (e.g. transformer stations, elevator drives) of   MEB 1  indirect earthing   MEB 2
                                                                           via gas dis-
            information technology components                             charge tube
          ¨  Use of closed and earthed metal ducts in case of interfer-  MEB 1 ≠ MEB 2
            ence caused by strong radio transmitters and, if required,
            connection of the terminal devices via optical fibre cables   Figure 9.11.1  Shield connection on both ends – Shielding from
            only                                                 capacitive / inductive coupling and direct and indirect
          ¨  Use of separate circuits for terminal devices and use of   shield earthing to prevent equalising currents
            noise filters and uninterrupted power supply systems, if
          ¨  No parallel installation of power and data lines of termi-  19” data cabinet
            nal devices with power lines of powerful loads (due to
            the risk of high switching overvoltages when switching   hub / switch  patch field  data  data  PC
            on / off the loads) and known sources of interference (e.g.       cable  box
            thyristor controllers)
          ¨  Use of shielded data cables which must be earthed on
            both ends (Figure 9.11.1). Patch and connecting cables       16 (25) mm  Cu
            must be integrated in the shielding concept.
          ¨  Integration of the reinforcement (intermeshing) in the
            equipotential bonding system (Figure 9.11.2) for metal
            enclosures and shields (e.g. cable trays, cable ducts)   Figure 9.11.2  Equipotential bonding of a shielded cable system

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