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the down conductors of the external lightning protection   Arresters  for  information  technology  systems  must  limit
         system.                                    conducted interference to an acceptable level so that the
       ¨  Use of optical fibre cables for the information technology   immunity level of the terminal device is not exceeded. For
         cables of different buildings (campus backbone cabling)  example, an arrester with a lower let-through value than the
                                                    EMC test values of the terminal device must be selected for
       ¨  Installation of surge protective devices in power circuits   a terminal device tested with test level 2: Impulse voltage
         and for the horizontal cabling system to protect them   < 1 kV in combination with an impulse current of some am-
         from transients caused by switching operations and light-  peres (depending on the type of injection).
         ning discharges (Figures 9.11.3 and 9.11.4)  Depending on the application and design, the information
       ¨  Power installation in the form of a TN-S system to prevent   technology interfaces of terminal devices have different im-
         interference currents on the shields of the data lines   munity levels. When selecting an adequate surge arrester,
                                                    not only the system parameters are important, but also the
       ¨  Establishing main equipotential bonding with the power   fact whether the arrester is capable of protecting the termi-
         installation (PEN) at one point in the building (e.g. service   nal device. To ensure easy selection, an SPD class sign was
         entrance room)                             developed for the Yellow/Line product family. Together with
                                                    the documentation of the terminal device, this sign provides
       To  ensure proper  EMC  protection,  it  is  also  important  to   exact information on whether an arrester is suitable for the
       choose adequate lightning current and surge arresters for   relevant terminal device, namely whether they are energy-
       information technology systems and to be familiar with their   coordinated with each other.
       protective effect.                           Correctly dimensioned surge arresters reliably protect termi-
                                                    nal devices from voltage and energy peaks, thus increasing
       Protective effect of arresters for information tech-  the availability of the installation.
       nology systems
       For testing the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electri-  Modern communication networks are increasingly becoming
       cal and electronic equipment (devices) must have a defined   high-frequency networks and thus more and more suscepti-
       immunity to conducted interference (surges).  ble to interference. Therefore, a consistent EMC concept that
                                                    also includes lightning and surge protection for the buildings
       Different electromagnetic environmental conditions require   and systems is required to ensure smooth network operation
       that the devices have different immunity levels. The immunity   (Figure 9.11.5).
       level of a device depends on the test level. To define the dif-
       ferent immunity levels of terminal devices, the test levels are   Selection of surge protective devices
       subdivided into four different levels from 1 to 4. Test level 1   To ensure effective surge protection, the electricians and IT
       places the lowest requirement on the immunity of a terminal   experts must coordinate the measures for the different sys-
       device. The test level can be usually found in the documenta-  tems in cooperation with the manufacturer of the device.
       tion of the device or can be requested from the manufacturer
       of the device.

       Figure 9.11.3  NET Protector – Universal surge protective device for   Figure 9.11.4  DEHNprotector – Universal surge protective device
                protecting the data lines of a floor distributor (also   for protecting the network and data lines of a work
                suited for class D networks)                  station

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