Page 341 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 341

Measures to limit
                     average interference
                     (I n  = 5 kA) –  Type 2 SPD

                     Measures to limit
                     high interference
                     (I n  = 20 kA) – Type 2 SPD

                                                            Surge protective device       Part No.
                                                            DEHNcord DCOR L 2P 275         900 430
              Surge protective device        Part No.
                                                            DEHNshield DSH TT 255 or       941 310
              DEHNcord DCOR L 2P 275         900 430        DEHNshield DSH TNS 255         941 400
                                                            DEHNshield DSH TT 2P 255 or    941 110
              DEHNguard DG M TT 2P 275       952 110        DEHNshield DSH TN 255          941 200
          Figure 9.15.2  Surge arrester installed next to the LED mast light   Figure 9.15.3  Combined arrester installed in the terminal compart-
                   with the feeder cable of the mast light being installed   ment / distributor of the metal mast in conjunction
                   in open space for protecting the LED mast light from   with a surge arrester for protecting the LED mast
                   field-based injection or as sole protection from con-  light from nearby atmospheric events and conducted
                   ducted surges caused by distant atmospheric events   surges caused by switching operations
                   and switching operations

          This has the advantage that the surge arrester can be tested   If lightning strikes the metal mast, the mast shields the cable
          without forklift.                            installed in it and the application-optimised combined arrester
          If, however, a metal LED mast light and its metal mast do not   located at the base of the mast discharges the lightning cur-
          form a closed system since the feeder cable of the LED mast   rent (total current up to 50 kA (10/350 μs)) across the distri-
          light was placed in free space at the mast exit point and sev-  bution network and protects the LED mast light by means of
          eral LED mast lights are located on a mast arm, a surge ar-  its low voltage protection level (Figure 9.15.3). This always
          rester must be installed next to the LED mast light (Figure   requires a vertical or horizontal earth electrode and an addi-
          9.15.2). If the probability of surges is expected to be low, no   tional surge arrester must be installed on the LED mast light
          additional surge protective devices have to be installed. The
          relevant protection measure used for the LED mast light must   according to Figure 9.15.2, depending on the cable routing.
          be considered when installing a surge arrester in the LED mast   Basically, the described protection of the LED mast light by
          light. Surge arresters with basic insulation (insulation of dan-  means of a combined arrester must be used if a risk analy-
          gerous live parts as basic protection), for example, must not   sis requires a higher protection goal than a surge arrester can
          interfere with the “double or reinforced insulation” (previously   achieve. This is the case with extremely high masts with large-
          class II) of the LED mast light according to IEC 60364-4-41    area LED mast lights on the mast arms (e.g. large parking lots,
          (HD 60364-4-41).                             stadiums, etc.) and LED mast lights that are fed by a building
          It is advisable to use DEHNcord to limit average interference   with a lightning protection system since the lightning current
          (I n  = 5 kA). DEHNguard modular DG M TT 2P 275 should be   is discharged via the lightning equipotential bonding system
          installed to limit high interference (I n  = 20 kA).  to the LED mast light.

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