Page 400 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 400

ball machine

                                                                                     r ≥ 3 m
              r ≥ 3 m                                                     ≥ 100 KΩ
                                                                          e.g. wood
                          ≥ 100 KΩ                        r ≥ 3 m
                       e.g. 5 cm asphalt

           Protection measures     System       Type                             Part No.
                                   TN-S-System  DEHNventil DV M TNS 255          951 400
           Combined arrester (DIN rail)
                                   TT-System    DEHNventil DV M TT 255           951 310
           Surge arrester (socket outlet)   All system    DEHNflex DFL M 255     924 396
           Surge arrester (DIN rail)  configurations  DEHNrail DR M 2P 255       953 200
           Interface                            Type                             Part No.
           WLAN antenna                         DEHNgate DGA G BNC + angled fixing plate  929 042 + 106 329
       Figure 9.23.3  Caddy / trolley shed with integrated driving range protected against surges as well as step and touch voltage

       results of the risk analysis), further surge protection measures   which activate the individual sprinklers are controlled by de-
       upstream of the terminal device have to be provided (Figure   coders. Data transmission and power supply for the valves (e.g.
       9.23.3).                                     35 V/1 Hz, 1.1 A) is provided by a two-wire ring conductor. In
       The same protection measures as for the club house or the   some cases, this two-wire cable can be longer than 10 km.
       caddy / trolley shed with driving range have to be taken for the   Connecting cables to the magnetic valves, however, do not ex-
       golf cart parking garage and the cart shed.  ceed 150 m to limit any excessive voltage drop.
                                                    The long two-wire ring conductor and the extremely long
       Irrigation system                            conductors to the magnetic valves provide the highest risk
       Water  is  mostly  is  pumped  from  reservoirs.  The  necessary
       pumps are installed in underground ducts and are controlled   in terms of surges. In practice, therefore corresponding surge
       and monitored from a service station (Figure 9.23.4).  protective devices are installed on the two-wire ring conduc-
                                                    tor at intervals not exceeding 150 m. For locally earthing the
       The pressurised water pipe runs throughout the entire golf   surge protective devices, suitable corrosion-resistant earth-
       course. Sprinkler systems which are supplied by branch pipes   termination systems (earth rods or radial earth electrodes) are
       water the individual greens and tees. The water flow is con-  installed. These should be implemented simultaneously with
       trolled via magnetic valves which are installed either directly   the installation of the pressurised water reticulation pipe and
       at the sprinkler or in ground-level boxes. The magnetic valves   the two-wire ring conductor.

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