Page 424 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 424

Solar radiation and waste heat from buildings may melt ice   Since both the heating bands and the temperature and mois-
       or snow even under frost conditions. Such melt water then re-  ture sensor are located outside the structure, their connect-
       freezes, preventing water from draining away and causing it   ing cables are exposed to inductive coupling which may cause
       to back up. As a result, the roof drainage is blocked and icicles   damage to the structure. For this reason, type 2 surge arresters
       may form which involves an increased risk.   are installed to protect these cables directly at the entry point
                                                    into the structure and the feeder cable upstream of the control
       An even more serious problem is a heavy snow and ice build   unit (Figure 9.29.1).
       up on the roof that may exceed the maximum load capacity
       of the roof.                                 Structure with external lightning protection system
       Gutter heating systems prevent damage provided that their   The IEC 62305-1 to 4 (EN 62305-1 to 4) standard must be ob-
       reliable function is ensured even under lightning and surge   served when installing lightning protection systems on struc-
       conditions.                                  tures. In such systems, the gutters and / or downpipes are typi-
                                                    cally conductively connected to the air-termination systems and
       Structure without external lightning protection   are therefore at a high potential in case of a lightning strike.
       system                                       Both the heating band and moisture sensor cables directly con-
       If a structure has no external lightning protection system, it   tact these lightning current carrying gutters and downpipes,
       can be assumed that the operator considers the probability of   meaning that lightning currents are automatically injected on
       lightning striking the structure to be low. In this case, type 2   the cables. For this reason, type 1 lightning current arresters
       surge arresters according to IEC 60364-1 (HD 60364-1) must   must be installed directly at the point where the cables enter
       be used to protect the structure from inductive coupling.  the structure. It must be observed that the lightning current

                                            control unit

                                 power supply


                                                                     heating cable

                                                   moisture sensor

                                                           Type                     Part No.
                                                           DG M TT 2P 275 (TT/TN-S system)  952 110
                                                           DG M TT 275   (TT/TN-S system)  952 310
                                                           BXT ML2 BE S 5            920 220
                                                           + BXT BAS                 920 300

       Figure 9.29.1  Control unit protected by surge arresters in a structure without external lightning protection system

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