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rod is to intercept lightning and to safely conduct it to the   If the shelter has a minimum height of about 3 m, the safety
          ground to prevent dangerous sparking, thus protecting the   distance from the rooftop lightning rod (air-termination con-
          structure from fire and mechanical destruction. The formation   ductor or rod) is maintained. However, it is more difficult to
          of a high lightning voltage in the ground, also referred to as   keep an adequate distance from the outer walls. Therefore,
          potential gradient area, endangers persons in the shelter. This   the  wall / wall  construction  where  the lightning  rod (down
          life-threatening  voltage  may  flow  into  the  feet  of  a  person   conductor wire) is led to the ground must have an adequate
          standing on the ground. It is therefore also referred to as step   wall thickness (Figure 9.28.2). To connect the lightning rod to
          voltage. Moreover, persons must maintain an adequate safety   the ground, earth rods (metal rods of a defined length, mate-
          distance from the lightning rod to prevent dangerous touch   rial suitable for the local conditions) are commonly used. On
          voltages (Figure 9.28.1).                    each down conductor, the earth rods are vertically buried in
          Effective lightning protection measures that protect golfers,   the ground at a depth of about 6 m to 9 m depending on the
          hikers, etc. from lightning interference can be taken for shelters   type of ground (Figures 9.28.2 to 9.28.5).
          with a relatively low effort. In addition to technical measures,   Log-structured shelters usually have the above mentioned wall
                                                       thickness. However, the situation is quite different when it
          it is equally important that golfers know what to do during a   comes to shelters with thin wood walls. In this case, the down
          thunderstorm. In an upcoming thunderstorm, they should seek   conductors must be installed directly at the outer edges near
          shelter immediately and stay there until the thunderstorm has   the wall construction to ensure the maximum wall thickness
          disappeared.                                 (Figure 9.28.2). As an alternative, an isolated lightning pro-
          The following considerations are based on commonly used   tection system* can be used.
          wood shelters.                               (* Extensive expert knowledge is required. For this reason,
                                                       please contact a certified lightning protection specialist (for
          Prevention of touch voltages                 example, in Germany VDE-certified (Verband der Elektrotech-
          To prevent dangerous high touch voltages, an adequate safety   nik Elektronik Informationstechnik) or VDB-certified (Verband
          distance must be maintained between the lightning rod and   Deutscher Blitzschutzfirmen e.V.) lightning protection experts).
          the persons in the shelter. In a shelter of about 3 m x 3 m with   Another possibility to maintain the safety distance required to
          an eaves height of 3 m and the lightning rod shown in Figure   protect shelters in case of a lightning strike is to use highly
          9.28.2, 10 cm wooden beams are required.     insulating  lightning  rods, for  example  CUI Conductors  from

                                                     down conductor
                                                                             at least
                                                                              10 cm



                                                                     earth rod

                                                      equipotential bonding conductor

          Figure 9.28.2  Installation of a down conductor at the side beams to ensure that the separation distance is maintained

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