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P. 420

DEHN (Figure 9.28.3). This is particularly required for shelters   circumstance. Moreover, adequate measures must be taken
       that are even smaller than those described above.  to prevent that plants grow through the shelter (Figure
       Prevention of step voltages
       Dangerous high step voltages resulting from a lightning strike   b)  Prevention of step voltages by means of potential control
       to the lightning rod of a shelter or a nearby lightning strike
       must be prevented in shelters. There are two options:    Another  protection  measure  is  potential  control,  namely
                                                       the integration of a finely meshed metal grid (e.g. reinforce-
                                                       ment steel mat laid in concrete or a buried meshed earth
       a)  Prevention of dangerous step voltages by insulating the   electrode with a mesh size smaller than 0.25 m x 0.25 m)
         floor                                         directly in the ground below the standing surface of per-
         This means that the floor must be covered by e.g. a 5 cm   sons. To ensure a long service life of this metal grid, it is
         asphalt layer. As an alternative, a wood floor can be used   advisable to use 10 mm round conductors made of stain-
         that  maintains  a  sufficient  distance  from  the  ground  to   less steel (V4A) (e.g. material number AISI/ASTM 316 Ti).
         ensure adequate ventilation and that remains dry in any   These round conductors are installed max. 0.1 m below the

                                                                               down conductor
        air-termination rod

        CUI Conductor                                                                   CUI Con-

                                  potential                                 potential
                                  control                                   control

              earth rod     equipotential bonding conductor                 earth rod

       Figure 9.28.3  Installation of a high-voltage-resistant CUI Conductor: a) in case of a small shelter with two air-termination rods; b) in case of
                insufficient wall thicknesses

                             5 cm asphalt with an incli-  down conductor  wood floor  down conductor
                             nation towards the entrance

                                                                                      earth rod

                                                                                measures to prevent
                       equipotential     equipotential   e.g.   elevated position for  that plants grow
             earth rod  bonding conductor  bonding conductor gravel bed  sufficient ventilation  through the shelter

       Figure 9.28.4  Insulation of the standing surface to prevent step voltage: a) by means of asphalt; b) by means of a wood floor

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