Page 448 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 448

air-termination system
         + HVI Conductor          r = 30 m
         stainless steel                                    GRP / Al supporting tube

                                                            earth or EB connection
                                                                   (Ø 8.4 mm)         3.2 m
                                                               HVI Conductor

           Components                     Part No.
           HVI Ex W70 holder              275 440      concrete base

           HVI Ex W200 holder             275 441
                                                         base plate
           HVI Ex busbar 500              275 498

           Earthing busbar (2 x 2 terminals)  472 109
                                                         Components                    Part No.
       Figure 9.33.4  Isolated external lightning protection system for a flat
                roof                                     HVI Conductor I integrated in the support-  819 320
                                                         ing tube with air-termination tip
                                                         Tripod for HVI Conductor integrated in the
       Internal lightning protection – Lightning equi-   supporting tube                105 350
       potential bonding – Surge protection
       All conductive systems entering the gas pressure control and   Concrete base     102 010
       measurement system from the outside must be integrated in   Base plate           102 050
       the lightning equipotential bonding system (Figure 9.33.6).
       This is achieved by directly connecting all metal systems and   Figure 9.33.5  Isolated external lightning protection system for a flat
       indirectly connecting all live systems via surge protective   roof - Installation option 3
       devices. These surge protective devices must be capable of
       discharging lightning currents (type 1 SPD: test wave form   Additional  protection  measures  as  per  IEC  62305-4
       10/350 µs). Lightning equipotential bonding should be estab-  (EN 62305-4) for increasing the availability of sensitive elec-
       lished as close as possible to the entry point into the struc-  trical systems may be required depending on the immunity
       ture (zone transition from LPZ 0 to 1 or higher) to reduce high   level  and  installation  environment  of  the  systems. A  com-
       potential differences and dangerous sparkover in potentially   bination  of  surge  protection,  shielding  and  supplementary
       explosive atmospheres and to prevent partial lightning cur-  equipotential bonding measures have proven their worth in
       rents from entering the structure.           practice.

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