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IEC 62305-3:2010 (EN 62305-3:2011)           and safety (German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and
       Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to    Health (BetrSichV))
       structures and life hazard
                                                    BGR 104 – Explosionsschutz-Regeln – Ex-RL – 2013-09
       IEC 62305-4:2010 (EN 62305-4:2011)           [Regulation No. 104 by the German Social Accident Insurance
       Protection against lightning – Part 4: Electrical and electronic   Institutions – Explosion protection regulations – Ex directive –
       systems within structures                    2013-09] Regulations to avoid the hazards of explosive
       IEC 62561-1:2012 (EN 62561-1:2012)
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 1:    DIN 18014:2014
       Requirements for connection components       Foundation earth electrode – Planning, execution and
       IEC 62561-2:2012 (EN 62561-2:2012)
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 2:    DIN 18384:2012
       Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes   German construction contract procedures (VOB) – Part C:
                                                    General technical specifications in construction contracts
       IEC 62561-3:2012 (EN 62561-3.2012)           (ATV) – Installation of lightning protection systems
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 3:
       Requirements for isolating spark gaps        DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2010
                                                    National Annex – Nationally determined parameters –
       IEC 62561-4:2010 (EN 62561-4:2011)           Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 4:    actions – Wind actions
       Requirements for conductor fasteners
                                                    Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-2
       IEC 62561-5:2011 (EN 62561-5:2011)
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 5:   Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management –
       Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and   Supplement 1: Lightning threat in Germany
       earth electrode seals
                                                    Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-2
       IEC 62561-6:2011 (EN 62561-6:2011)           Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management –
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 6:    Supplement 2: Calculation assistance for assessment of risk
       Requirements for lightning strike counters   for structures

       IEC 62561-7:2011 (EN 62561-7:2012)           Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-2
       Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC) – Part 7:    standard:2013
       Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds  Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management –
                                                    Supplement 3: Additional information for the application of
       ISO 6988:1985 (EN ISO 6988:1994)             DIN EN 62305-2 (VDE 0185-305-2)
       Metallic and other non-organic coatings – Sulfur dioxide test
       with general condensation of moisture        Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
                                                    Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage
       German standards, guidelines                 to structures and life hazard – Supplement 1: Additional
       and regulations                              information for the application of DIN EN 62305-3
                                                    (VDE 0185-305-3)
       BGBl. No. 70 [Federal Law Gazette No. 70]
       of 27 September 2002 (page 3777)             Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
       Regulation for the simplification of law in the field of safety   standard:2012
       and health protection concerning the provision of work   Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage
       equipment and its use, the safe operation of systems requir-  to structures and life hazard – Supplement 2: Additional
       ing monitoring and the organisation of occupational health   information for special structures

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