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Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3    Supplement 1 of the German DIN VDE 0845
          standard:2012                                standard:2010
          Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage    Overvoltage protection of information technology equipment
          to structures and life hazard – Supplement 3: Additional   (IT installations)
          information for the testing and maintenance of lightning
          protection systems                           DIN VDE 0855-300:2008
                                                       Transmitting / receiving systems for transmitter RF output
          Supplement 4 of the German DIN EN 62305-3    power up to 1 kW – Part 300: Safety requirements
          Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to    DIN V VDE V 0185-600:2008
          structures and life hazard – Supplement 4: Use of metallic   Testing of the suitability of coated metallic roofs as a natural
          roofs in lightning protection systems        components of the lightning protection system
                                                       DIN V VDE V 0800-2:2011
          Supplement 5 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
          standard:2014                                Information technology – Part 2: Equipotential bonding and
                                                       earthing (additional specifications)
          Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to
          structures and life hazard – Supplement 5: Lightning and   Germanischer Lloyd
          overvoltage protection for photovoltaic power supply systems  Guidelines, chapter IV: Non-Maritime Technology, section 1:
                                                       Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines
          Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-4
          standard:2012                                German Equipment and Product Safety Act
          Protection against lightning – Part 4 – Supplement 1:    (ProdSG) of 1 December 2011
          Electrical and electronic systems within structures: Electrical
          and electronic systems within structures – Supplement 1:   VDN guidelines:2004
          Sharing of the lightning current             Surge Protective Devices Type 1 – Guideline for the use of
                                                       surge protective devices (SPDs) Type 1 in main power supply
          DIN VDE 0115-1:2002                          systems; 2nd edition; VWEW Energieverlag GmbH, Frankfurt
          Railways applications – General construction and safety
          requirements – Part 1: Additional requirements  VdS 2031 guideline:2010
                                                       Lightning and surge protection in electrical systems –
          DIN VDE 0141:2000                            Guideline for damage prevention; VdS Schadenverhütung
          Earthing system for special power installations with nominal   im Gesamtverband der Schadenversicherer e.V. (GDV),
          voltages above 1 kV                          Cologne

          DIN VDE 0151:1986
          Material and minimum dimensions of earth electrodes with   Books and publications
          respect to corrosion
                                                       Ackermann, G., Hoenl, R.: Schutz von IT-Anlagen
                                                       gegen Überspannungen [Protection of IT systems
          DIN VDE 0618-1:1989                          against surges]
          Equipment for equipotential bonding; equipotential busher   VDE series, volume 119, VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin and
          for main equipotential bonding               Offenbach, 2006

          DIN VDE 0800-1:1989                          Biebl, P., Pfister N., Seitz T.: Dimensionierung von
          Telecommunications; general concepts; requirements and   Erdungsanlagen an Transformatorstationen
          tests for the safety of facilities and apparatus  [Dimensioning of earth-termination systems at
                                                       transformer stations]
          DIN VDE 0800-10:1991                         Netzpraxis np, Part 1: 03/2011 edition (pages 32 to 35),
          Telecommunications; transitional requirements on erection   Part 2: 04/2011 edition (pages 22 to 26), EW Medien und
          and operation of installations               Kongresse GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, 2011

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