Page 486 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 486

Lightning equipotential bonding  10, 39, 47, 52, 57, 61, 82, 88, 113,   Maintenance of the LEMP protection  214
          127, 151, 181, 201–207, 237, 243, 272, 280, 287–288, 291,   Maintenance of the lightning protection system  55
          302, 314–315, 326, 332, 340, 347, 364, 371, 375–376, 386,   Maintenance strategies for installations  263
          390, 393–394, 397, 401, 403, 427, 433–434, 443, 447–448
       Lightning impulse current  22, 211, 213, 218, 221, 240, 242, 345,   Maintenance test  56–57
          427                                       Manufacturer’s test  164
       Lightning impulse current carrying capability  202, 365, 380  Material combinations  112, 165
       Lightning interference on the IT cabling  255  Material combinations of earth-termination systems  147
       Lightning protection earthing  118–119, 141, 160  Material factor  101, 149–150, 172
       Lightning protection for a metal roof  76–78  Material of air-termination conductors, air-termination rods, earth
       Lightning protection for a residential building  113  entries and down conductors  110
       Lightning protection level (LPL)  23–24, 37, 39, 57, 61, 64–65, 167,   Material, configuration and minimum dimensions of earth elec-
          182, 190, 192–193, 202, 229, 343–344          trodes  148
       Lightning protection mast  151, 420          Maximum continuous operating voltage U C   217–218, 267
       Lightning protection specialist  10, 55, 130, 190, 418  Measurements  57, 144, 146, 252
       Lightning protection system  10, 27, 36–38, 46–47, 49–58, 61, 80,   Measuring and control systems  252
          87, 94, 96, 99, 103, 119, 134, 153, 155, 167–168, 208, 255,   Melting  21, 72, 96, 240
          276, 279, 287, 332, 335, 340, 343–345, 363–364, 375, 389,   Mesh method  63, 68, 75
          417–418, 437                              Meshed air-termination system / network  68, 73, 75, 83
       Lightning protection zone (LPZ)  11, 55, 183, 187–190, 195, 202,
          207, 217, 268, 271–272, 286–287, 343, 347, 350, 413, 437  Meshed earth-termination systems  141
       Lightning protection zone concept  61, 181, 183, 187–190, 248,   Metal roof  72, 76–78, 155, 420
          250, 286–287, 289, 343, 347, 349, 350–351, 437  Metal roof with round standing seam  77
       Limiting voltage  235, 246–247               Metal roof-mounted structures without conductive connection  73
       LON (local operating network)  385–386       Meter  325–326
       Longitudinal voltage  442                    Minimum cross-sectional area of air-termination conductors, air-
       Loops  95–96, 313, 386, 403                      termination rods, earth entry rods and down conductors  110
       Loss factor  32, 445                         Minimum thickness of sheet metal  72
       Low voltage  12, 30, 168, 172–173            Mobile radio systems (4G/LTE)  355–361
       Low-voltage cable  386                       Mounting dimensions for external lightning protection systems  110
       Low-voltage consumer’s installation  177–178, 180, 202, 218, 237,
          287, 443                                  N
       Low-voltage distribution board  171          Natural components of a down conductor  97, 155
       Low-voltage distribution system  220         Natural components of air-termination systems  72
       Low-voltage installation  171, 204           Natural earth electrode  119
       Low-voltage main circuit breaker  171        No melting  240
       Low-voltage operational earth electrode  143  Nodal analysis  52, 155
       Low-voltage system  89, 202, 212, 370        Nominal current I L   247
       LPS (lightning protection system)  23, 36–38, 47, 52, 55–56, 61, 72,   Nominal discharge current I n   218
          149–150, 154, 180, 343–345, 438           Non-isolated air-termination system  69
       LPZ (lightning protection zone)  11, 38, 154, 183–184, 187–188,   Non-isolated lightning protection system  69, 96
          190–193, 199–209, 212, 214, 217, 268, 271–272, 286–287,
          311, 313, 343, 347, 350–351, 411, 413, 427, 430, 433–434,   Non-reinforced concrete  130
          437, 439–440, 443, 447                    Non-reinforced foundation  138
                                                    NTBA  280, 336
       M                                            NTPM  336
       M-bus  253, 325–328                          Number of down conductors  57, 95, 129, 151, 154, 287, 365–366,
       Magnetic field  100, 102, 159, 187–188, 191–196, 199  380
       Magnetic shield attenuation  191, 195
       Main earthing busbar (MEB)  50, 127, 168, 171, 173, 177, 291,   O
          293–295, 313, 346, 377, 386, 403          Optical fibre  181–182, 254–255, 319–321, 355
       Main equipotential bonding  180, 183, 237, 321  Optocoupler  245, 252
       Main low-voltage distribution board  171, 394, 397  Other materials  147
       Main power supply system  180, 315           Outdoor lighting systems  271–272
       Maintenance  9–10, 29, 47, 55, 57–58, 214, 256, 263–264, 280, 352   Outer zones  187

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