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Stainless steel  147, 174                    Touch voltage  119, 155–156, 158–159, 174, 179, 219, 232, 271,
       Stainless steel / StSt (V4A)  83,96, 110, 112–116, 132, 137–141, 149,   395, 397, 399, 418, 453
          158, 164–166, 171, 174, 271, 279, 345–346, 364, 376, 378, 419  Transformer stations  174, 320
       Standing seam roof  78                       Transients  256, 285, 319, 383, 409
       Star configuration  200                      Transmitting / receiving systems  355–361
       Steel container  278–280                     Transverse voltage  442
       Steel fibre concrete  138–139                Tripod  84, 86, 165, 167, 447
       Steel reinforcement of concrete foundations  148  TT system  202, 220, 227–229, 268, 272, 281, 286, 288, 302,
       Steel with copper sheath  147                    311, 314–316, 327–328, 332, 368–369, 372, 378, 382, 389,
                                                        398–400, 407, 448
       Steepness  17, 20, 22–23, 150, 159, 246, 352  Two-conductor terminal  234–235
       Step voltage  17, 19, 51, 119, 122, 140, 155–156, 160–164, 168,
          271, 393–395, 417–420                     Type 1 SPDs  202, 211–212, 218–219, 280, 286, 347, 356, 358–360,
                                                        365–367, 371, 377, 380, 405, 427, 430, 434, 447
       Straight surface earth electrode  122        Type 2 SPDs  218, 286, 347, 350, 360, 367, 370–374, 381, 405, 407,
       Strip foundation  126, 129–131, 135, 138         427, 430
       Sub-distribution board  218, 225–226, 281, 356, 454  Type 3 SPDs  217, 221, 347, 407
       Supplementary equipotential bonding  447     Type A earth electrode  127–128, 140
       Surface earth electrode  119, 122–128, 141, 173  Type B earth electrode  128–129, 139–140, 152
       Surge arrester  183, 207, 209–210, 214, 216, 218, 236, 249–250,   Type designation of protection modules  245
          255, 272, 280–283, 302, 306, 311, 313, 321–332, 339–340,   Type of damage  32, 42–45
          347, 350–351, 366–367, 371, 390, 397, 399, 405–407, 412,
          414, 423–424, 443, 453                    Type of loss  32, 40–41, 43–46, 48, 51, 286
       Switching overvoltages  5, 217, 219, 221, 309, 320, 335, 455
       T                                            UMTS  355
       Telecommunication connections  335–336       Upward flash  16
       Telecommunication line  36, 38, 51, 183–184  V
       Television signals  30                       Vaporisation  76
       Temperature classes  256–257                 Visual inspection  56–58
       Temperature measuring equipment  251–252     Voltage protection level U p   37, 39, 218, 242, 246, 260, 347, 358,
       Temperature rise  22, 72, 96, 109, 441           367
       Temperature rise ∆T of different conductor materials  22, 96
       Temperature-related change in length  112    W
       Temporary overvoltage (TOV)  219             White tank  132–134, 137–138
       Terminal lug  110, 126, 129, 138, 161, 279   Wind load  91
       Test joints  11, 29, 57, 99                  Wind turbines  88, 343–353
       Test report  57                              Work contracts  11
       Test voltage wave  246
       Thatched roof  80                            Y
       Tilt resistance  91, 93                      Y circuit  367, 380
       TN system  178, 202, 220–221, 223–229, 272, 286, 302, 327–328,   Yachts  451–455
          349, 389                                  Yellow/Line  206, 213–214, 250, 321

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