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Overcurrent protective device  57, 220–221, 227–229, 339  Ring distances and potential control depths  156
          Overlapped constructions  116                Ring equipotential bonding  196, 208
                                                       Ring equipotential bonding bar  200, 204
          P                                            Risk analysis / assessment  9–11, 27, 31–32, 49–52, 78, 87, 158,
          Parabolic antenna  74                            190, 204, 276, 286, 343, 375, 390, 399, 437, 445
          Parallel connection  234                     Risk components  32, 45
          Partitioning coefficient  95, 149, 151–154   Risk management  9, 28
          Peak value  17, 19, 24, 64–65, 127, 182, 218  Rolling sphere  55, 61, 64–68, 73, 77, 82, 86, 89, 272, 276, 344, 451
          Perimeter insulation  135–137                Rolling sphere method  63, 65, 67, 80, 86, 89, 100, 343–344, 370,
          Personal protection  219                         375, 437, 451
          Petrol stations  388–390                     Roof conductor holder  75–76, 113–114, 445
          Phase-side connecting cable  237             Roof-mounted structures  37, 66–69, 72–73, 75, 83–84, 89–90,
                                                           104–106, 167, 247, 287, 411
          Pin-shaped terminal (STAK)  234–235          Roof-mounted structures made of non-conductive material  73
          Potential control  37, 47, 52, 119, 128, 140, 142, 155–157, 168,
             170, 271, 394, 417, 419–420               Rooftop PV systems  74–75, 84, 363–373
          Potential gradient area  17, 418             RRH  355–361
          Potential rise  19, 168, 256, 335            RRU  355–361
          Potential values and corrosion rates of common metal materials  145  S
          Potentially explosive atmospheres  108, 437
          Power supply system  180, 202, 206, 208, 210, 217, 280, 375   Safety lighting systems  339, 433–434
          Primary multiplex connection  336            Safety rope systems  93
                                                       Safety rope systems and lightning protection  93–94
          Probability of damage  32, 36–38             Sag of the rolling sphere  55, 66–67, 276
          PROFIBUS  282, 288, 331–332                  Selection criteria  247, 251, 257, 259, 440
          Protected volume  55, 68–69, 74–75, 79–80, 89, 92, 105, 182, 280,
             293, 306, 356, 364, 370, 375, 377, 394, 420  Selection criteria for electrical temperature measuring equip-
                                                           ment  251
          Protection module  263                       Selection criteria for SPDs – BLITZDUCTOR XT  257
          Protection of terminal devices / equipment  207, 210, 217, 249, 260,
             280, 359–360, 366, 427                    Selection of lightning protection measures  45–46, 49
          Protective angle method  63, 68–69, 71–75, 82, 287, 370, 375  Self-supporting air-termination rod  90. 92–93
          Protective angle method for isolated air-termination systems  69  Separation distance  10, 52–54, 57, 69, 71–74, 79, 81, 83, 86–89,
                                                           93, 95–96, 100–101, 103–104, 109–110, 149–155, 158, 167,
          Protective bonding conductor  30, 168, 172, 178, 295, 453  276–277, 279, 346, 364, 370–371, 412, 420, 438
          Protective equipotential bonding  177–180, 201, 237, 292, 298  Series connection  234
          Public address systems  305–306              Sewage plant  285–289
          PV systems  30, 84, 103, 363–373, 375–383    Shelters  155, 158, 397, 417–420
                                                       Shield earthing  182–183, 196–198, 261, 351, 382–383
          R                                            Shielding  37–40, 51, 188, 190, 194–195, 196, 207, 261, 320,
          Radial earth electrode  123–124, 128, 399        343–345, 439
          Radio transmission technology  355–361       Shielding effect  191, 194, 199
          Radius of the rolling sphere  61, 64–66, 68, 86  Shielding factor SF  193
          Rainproof / rain safety  77, 99              Short-circuit current  172, 218–219, 228, 239, 243, 280, 379, 441
          Rated current  169, 240, 243, 407            Short-circuit withstand capability  218, 239
          Rated impulse withstand voltage  38, 50, 207, 347  Signal frequency  198, 249
          Rated voltage  212, 217, 380                 Slated roofs  115
          RCD (residual-current device)  221–222, 227–229, 232–233, 267  Smoke and heat extraction systems  411–414
          Red/Line  210, 219, 229, 289                 Sound signals  30, 291–294
          Reference earth  118–119, 126                Sources of damage  31–32, 45
          Reference electrode  143                     SPD class symbol, Yellow/Line  206, 213–214, 250, 321
          Reference potential  105, 143, 351           SPD class, Yellow/Line  206, 213–214, 250, 321
          Reinforced concrete  37–38, 130, 156         Specific energy  17, 21–23, 218
          Reinforcement steel mat  419                 SPM (surge protection measures)  38, 46, 190, 343
          Residual-current device  220–221, 228        Sports grounds  10, 155, 393–385
          Ridge and hip tiles  114–115                 SPS Protector  209

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