Page 16 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 16


          3.2.9    Signal Relays                              3.2.12    Extension for supervised detectors

          The Internal Relay Fault (IRF), K1 indicates the system   The extension module E6-S is used to expand the system
          status. At normal condition the K1 is energized and   from the original 10 sensors with additional supervised
          signals that no diagnostics error is detected on the Arc   detectors. One extension can hold up to 10 detectors. The
          Guard System.                                       Arc Monitor can hold up to 2 extension modules making it
                                                              possible to mount up to 20 supervised detectors. The E6-S
          The two trip signal relays, K2 and K3 are used to   extension module can only be installed with detectors
          signal when a trip occurs. The relays can be used to   enabled for supervision DPxx-S up to 30 m.
          activate an alarm or to pass the trip information to a
          supervised system.
          The signal relays are called K2 and K3.                   INFORMATION

          •  K2 de-energized, no arc detected                       An additional variant of extension unit is
                                                                    available called E6-S. This unit is adapted to
          •  K3 de-energized, no arc detected                       detectors of type DPxx-S. The unit sends a
                                                                    heartbeat signal through the cable to monitor
                                                                    the integrity of the detector cable. A warning is
          If the system is configured for manual reset, K2 and K3 are
          energized until the user is resets them on the HMI in the   displayed on the HMI if there is any damaged or
          trip notification window. If the system is configured for   disconnected detector cables.
          auto reset, K2 and K3 are de-energized 250 ms after the
          arc is extinguished.

          3.2.10   Detectors

          The detectors are used to detect the intensive light from
          an arc and transfer it to the Arc Guard System.
          The detectors are using fiber-optics and are guaranteed
          that they will react on the correct light intensity.
          For this reason, the cables are not to be modified
          in any way.

          3.2.11   Extension E1 and E3

          The extension module is used to expand the system from
          the original 10 detectors with additional detectors.
          One extension can hold up to 10 detectors. The Arc
          Monitor can hold up to 2 extensions making it possible to
          mount up to 30 detectors. The standard extension is used
          for detector up to 30 meter length.
               A separate version of the extension module is
               available which is intended only for 60 meter

               Do not connect single fiber TvOC-2-DP*
               detectors to E6-S module.
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