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Risk assessment  Lightning protection zone concept

 A lightning protection risk analysis allows you to assess and determine the risk   In case of the lightning protection zone concept, the building is divided into zones

 potential for structures. This risk analysis forms the basis for minimising risks and   with different risk potential. Inner and outer lightning protection zones are defi-
 defining economically optimal protection measures – Tailored to the existing   ned depending on the lightning threat. Based on these zones, it is determined
 structures and their use.  where which measures are required.

            Modern structures and buildings are becoming smart. They   to surges caused by lightning discharge. The principle of
            are based on a variety of networked technical components:   lightning protection zones (LPZ) according to IEC 62305-4
 Predictive risk management involves calculating risks for the   Lightning protection risk analyses aim to objectify and   Building management, telecommunication, control and   describes effective protection against surges caused by light-
 company. It provides the basis for decisions to limit these   quantify the risk posed by direct and indirect lightning   security systems to name but a few. Failure of individual   ning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP).
 risks and shows which risks should reasonably be covered by   strikes to structures and their contents.   technical building equipment components can have
 insurance.  far-reaching consequences and even bring the entire   According to this principle, the structure to be protected
            building to a standstill.                         should be divided into inner lightning protection zones of
 The risk analysis specified in IEC 62305-2 ensures that a    different LEMP threat values. Suitable LPZ can be defined
 The risk of lightning strikes must also be specifically   lightning protection concept can be drawn up that is   Although external lightning protection protects people and   depending on the number, type and sensitivity of the
 considered for companies using extensive electronic   comprehensible to all parties involved and technically and   material assets in buildings from the risk of fire, it does not   electronic devices / systems.
 equipment for production or providing services. It should be   economically optimised, i.e. can ensure the protection   protect the electrical and electronic systems from failure due
 noted that losses incurred due to the lack of availability of   required at the lowest possible cost. The protection
 electronic systems and, as a result, production or services,   measures resulting from the risk analysis are described in   Outer zones:  Inner zones:
 coupled with the potential loss of data often by far exceed   detail in parts 3 and 4 of the IEC 62305 series.
 the physical damage to the hardware of the relevant system.  LPZ 0A: Zone where the threat is due to direct lightning   Inner zones are protected against direct lightning strikes.
            strikes and the unattenuated lightning electromagnetic field.   They are divided into:
            The systems affected, such as lines extending beyond   LPZ 1: Zone where impulse currents are limited by current
            buildings, may be subjected to the full lightning current.  sharing and surge protective devices at the zone boundaries.
 Procedure:  LPZ 0B: Zone protected against direct lightning strikes, but   Spatial shielding may attenuate the lightning electromagnetic
 Assessment of the structure  Definition of protection measures  where the threat is the unattenuated lightning electromag-  field. Ring lines with detectors are often installed in LPZ 1.
            netic field. The systems affected, such as alarm lights or
 In a first step, the building is assessed based on its equip-  The protection measures are defined based on the determi-  sirens, may be subjected to partial lightning currents.  LPZ 2-n: Zone which, compared to LPZ 1, is additionally
 ment, location and risk potential. The result of this assess-  ned risk. These include, for example various equipotential   protected against impulse currents and the lightning
 ment is a so-called risk R / whether the determined risk   bonding measures or definition of a class of LPS (LPL,   electromagnetic field and is therefore subject to less
 exceeds a tolerable value Rt. The figures below show a simp-  Lightning Protection Level) and thus external lightning   interference.
 lified representation of the relationship between the type of   protection measures. The aim is to reduce the risk to an
 damage, source of damage and type of loss and provide an   acceptable level. After that, internal lightning protection
 initial overview of the risk potential.  measures (surge protection) are then taken. These are based   FCP:  Fire control panel
 on the so-called lightning protection zone concept.                                         FBKD: Fire brigade key depot
                                                                                             FBIOS: Fire brigade information
                                                                                               and operating system
                                  M                                                          LV /   Low voltage / main
                                                                                             MDB:  distribution board
                                                                                             SDB:  Sub distribution board
 Risks  Risks

 Fire  Fire  charging                               FBIOS
             post                       SDB  medical
 Human  Human
 Surges  Surges
                          LV / MDB
 Source of damage S1: Lightning strike to a structure  Source of damage S3: Lightning strike to an incoming supply line  FCP

                                                                                                Simplified diagram
 Risks  Risks

                             Experience has shown that hospitals are designed according to class of LPS 2. This includes a defined
                             risk as well as the necessary external lightning protection, equipotential bonding and surge protection
 Surges  Surges              measures. In addition to risk management, statutory and normative regulations such as the relevant
                             building regulations, IEC (or EN) specifications or fire protection requirements must also be observed
 Source of damage S2: Lightning strike near a structure  Source of damage S4: Lightning strike near an incoming supply line  for hospitals.

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