Page 445 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 445



          Electrical installation solutions for buildings
          Protection and safety


          Index                             OVR Plus - Autoprotected SPDs      Protector accessories       5/140
                                            TNS/TT 230 V networks        5/66
          Type 1 OVR non-pluggable                                             Fuse Protection Devices
          Single pole                 5/10  OVR PV                             E 90 fuse switch disconnectors  5/145
          TNC 230 V networks          5/12  SPDs for photovoltaic networks   5/68  E 90h fuseholders       5/147
          TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks   5/14                                   E 90 PV fuse disconnectors   5/148
          TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks   5/16   OVR WT                          E 90 PV 1500 fuse holder    5/149
          Single pole neutral         5/18  SPDs for wind turbine networks   5/70  E 90 50/125 fuse disconnectors  5/150
                                                                               E 90 CC fuseholders         5/151
          Type T1-T2 OVR pluggable and non-  Accessories for OVR         5/72  E 90 J fuse fuseholders     5/152
          pluggable                                                            Cylindrical fuses E 9F      5/153
          Single pole                 5/20  OVR UL Version                     ILTS-E D0 Fuse-switch-disconnectors
          TNC 230 and 400 V networks   5/24  OVR Type 2 Single pole      5/76  ISS D0 Fuse carriers        5/162
          TNS/TT 230 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N        OVR Type 2 Single phase networks  5/77  Busbars and accessories for ILTS-E
          networks                    5/26  OVR Type 2 Delta networks    5/82  and ISS                     5/164
          TNS/TT 400 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N      OVR Type 2 Split phase networks  5/84
          networks                    5/28  OVR Type 2 Grounded Wye networks  5/85  Other Protection Devices
                                            OVRHSP/OVRHSR Facility Wide        Electronic Protection Devices for use
          Type 2 OVR pluggable and non-     Protection – 4,000A and below   5/92  behind 24 V DC Switch Mode Power
          pluggable                         OVRHT3B Sub Distribution and       Supplies                    5/166
          TT/TNS/TNC 57 V networks    5/30  Panelboard – 400A and below   5/94  SQZ3 phase and sequence relay   5/169
          TT/TNS/TNC 230 V networks   5/32  OVRHS3U Sub Distribution and       E 236 undervoltage monitoring
          QuickSafe® Single pole 230 V      Panelboard – 400A and below   5/96  relays                     5/170
          networks                    5/34  OVRHT3C Sub Distribution and       ISL industrial insulation
          QuickSafe® Single pole 400 V      Panelboard – 400A and below   5/98  monitoring devices         5/173
          networks                    5/38  OVRHLD Equipment Level Protection –
          QuickSafe® TNC 230 V networks   5/42   100A and below         5/100  H+ Line
          QuickSafe® TNC 400 V networks  5/44                                  H+Line products             5/178
          QuickSafe® TNS 230 V networks   5/46  OVR data and telecom           ISOLTESTER-DIG insulation
          QuickSafe® TNS 400 V networks  5/48   OVR SL Series           5/104  monitoring devices          5/180
          QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 and 400 V   OVR SL X Series             5/106  SELVTESTER insulation monitoring
          1Ph+N networks              5/50  OVR D Series                5/108  devices for insulated networks
          QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 and 400 V   OVR E Series                5/110  at 24 V AC/DC               5/182
          3Ph+N networks              5/52  OVR H Series                5/112  QSD remote signalling panel   5/183
                                            OVR SL 3-Wire Series        5/114  TI switchboards and devices
          Type T2-T3 OVR Pluggable          OVR SL LED 4-20 mA Series   5/116  for medical locations       5/184
          QuickSafe® Single pole  230 and 440 V   OVR Q Series          5/118  QSO selection table         5/185
          networks                    5/56  OVR RTD Series              5/120  QSO switchboards and components
          QuickSafe® TNC 230 V 3Ph          OVR KT & KE Series          5/122  for medical locations       5/186
          + networks                  5/58  OVR TN/RJ11 & ISDN/RJ45 Series  5/124
          QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N     OVR TN, TNQ & SL TN Series   5/126
          networks                    5/60  OVR Cat-5 & Cat-6 Series    5/128
          QuickSafe® TT 230 and 400 V 3Ph+N   OVR RS485, RS485Q & SL RS485 Series
          networks                    5/62  OVR RF Series               5/130
                                            OVR CCTV Series             5/134
          Type T2-T3 OVR StreetLight        OVR 240-16A                 5/136
          TT/TN 230 V 1Ph+N networks   5/64  OVR TV Series              5/138
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