Page 447 - Din prodcuts 2020
P. 447



          OVR T1-T2 12.5, T2 and T2-T3 ranges   The pluggable feature of ABB   The end-of-life indicator of the SPD
          are using same terminal as Pro M   OVR T1-T2, T2 and T2-T3 surge     signals the status of the device.
          compact devices to guarantee      protective devices (SPDs) facilitates   A mechanical indicator turns from
          a complete coordination and time   maintenance. Should one or more worn   green to red when the SPD reaches the
          saving in wiring operation.       cartridges need to be replaced, the   end of its life, when the end-of-life in-
                                            wires do not have to be removed.   dicator is fitted.

          The toggle of the miniature circuit   A safety reserve system for an   QuickSafe MOV technology extended
          breaker indicates the status of the   extended protection. T1-T2s and T2s.   to SPD dedicated to D.C photovoltaic
          OVR Plus range.                   These Surge Protective Devices are   applications, bringing seft-protected
          If the toggle is on, the surge protection   equipped with two varistors per pole.   feature (no back-up needed) up to 10
          is active. If the toggle is off and can be   If one varistor is damaged, the SPD   kA PV short circuit current.
          switched on again, the device has pro-  gives advanced warning that it is
          tected your equipment. If the toggle is   approaching the end of its life while
          off and cannot be swicthed on, the de-  the other varistor continues to protect
          vice must be changed.             the equipment, allowing to perform
                                            Preventive Maintenance.
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