Page 6 - Ferraz semiconductor DIN
P. 6

Semiconductor fuses
                                                   Semiconductor (AC) fuses

                                                                 Protistor Square-body Fuses
                                                                         PSC gR/aR sizes 000/00
                                                        gR/aR - 500 to 690 VAC DIN 000

             DC Application data
                                                                                                    Curve  Ipm (A)
                   L/R (ms)                           Um (V)                              current (A)
                                                                                             20       a      60
               100   d  c  b  a                                                              25       a      65
                                                 1400                                        32       a      90
                90                                          L/R =80 ms
                                                               L/R =25 ms                    40       a      120
                80                               1200
                                                                                             50       a      150
                70                                                L/R =10 ms
                                                 1000                                        63       a      200
                60                                                                           80       a      270
                50                                                                           100      a      370
                40                                600                                        125      a      500
                                                                                             160      a      700
                30                                400                                        200      b     1200
                20                                                                           250      c     1800
                10                                                                           315      c     2200
                 0                                  0                                        350      d     2600
                     100  200  300  400  500  600  700  100  200  300  400  500  600  700
                   0                     U (V)       0                     U (V)             400      d     3100
             Above: Curves indicate permissible value of time                            Ipm  values  give  minimum
             constant L/R as a function of DC working voltage.  Above: Curves indicates peak arc  DC interrupting current in amps.
             Curve a: Ratings from 20 to 160 A      voltage Um which may appear across
             Curve b: Rating 200 A                  fuse terminals at working voltage U.
             Curve c: Ratings from 250 to 315 A
             Curve d: Ratings from 350 to 400 A
             Current limitation curves                                                  Watts loss
                   I (A)  Below: Curves show, for each rating, value of peak let-through current  P/Pn
                        Ic as a function of available fault current Ip.
                                                                            Ip (A)    1
              10 5                                                          400 A    0.9
                             Ic = 2.5  Ip  gRB      URB     Ic = 2.5  Ip  Ic =    2  Ip  350 A  0.7
                                                                            315 A
                                                                            250 A
                                                                            200 A
                4                Ic =    2  Ip  125 A                       160 A    0.5
              10                           100 A                            125 A    0.4
                                           80 A
                                           63 A
                                           50 A                             100 A    0.3
                                                                            80 A
                                           40 A
                                           32A                                       0.2
                                           25 A
                3                          20 A                                      0.1
                                                                                         0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0  1.1  I/In
                                                                                   Above: Curve enables computation of
              10 2                                                                 power losses P for a IN-rated fuse as a
                                                                                   function of R.M.S. current I
                 10 2   10 3    10 4   10 5   10 10 2   10 3    10 4   10 5    10 6  (as a multiple of IN for steady state
             Time vs current characteristics
                t (s)   25  40  63  100                  t (s)         80  160 200             URB
                       20  32  50  80  125  gRB                        100  125  250  315  350  400
               10 4                                      10 4                                        Left: Curves show,
                                                                                                     for each rated
                 3                                         3                                         current, pre-arcing
               10                                        10
                                       a= 130                                              a= 130    time vs. R.M.S.
                                       A2=0.6                                              A2=0.6    pre-arcing current
                 2                     B1= 1.25            2                               B1= 1.25
               10                                        10
                                       B2= 0.6                                             B2= 0.6
                                       Cf3= 0.8                                            Cf3= 0.8
                                                                       C      C'
                10                                        10                   C  C'
                 1                                         1
               10 -1                                     10 -1
                                                                                                     Tolerance for
               10 -2                                     10 -2                                       mean pre-arcing
                                                                                                     current ± 8%.
               10 -3                                     10 -3
               10 -4                                     10 -4
                             2        3         4                      2        3         4         5
                  10       10        10        10  I (A)    10       10       10         10       10   I (A)
                                                          SCAC54                                               12/04
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