Page 101 - Sace Emax 2 Catalogue
P. 101
The first step towards better Referring to the voltage sag ambit, as an example,
the Network Analyzer function has the ability to
Power Quality: measurement control three kinds of sag classes, defined by the
A Power Quality monitor is the most commonly user:
used tool for detecting voltage sags and power
quality issues. Measurement is the first step for Parameter Description
checking the status of the installation and start- Sag Threshold This defines the first alarm threshold.
(First Class)
It is expressed as % Un.
ing the root cause analysis. Power Quality mea- Sag Times In the event of dropping under the first
surements and related instrumentation are de- (First Class) alarm threshold, this defines the time
scribed in specific industrial Standards such as beyond which the alarm counter is increased.
IEC61000-4-30 and IEEE 1250. For the first time, Sag Threshold This defines the second alarm threshold.
thanks to the Ekip Touch trip units for the Emax 2, (Second Class) It is expressed as % Un. 05
the power quality monitor is embedded in a low Sag Times In the event of dropping under the second
(Second Class) alarm threshold, this defines the time
voltage molded case circuit-breaker. The Network beyond which the alarm counter is increased.
Analyzer function complies with the prescriptions Sag Threshold This defines the third alarm threshold.
of IEC 61000-4-30 and IEEE 1250. (Third Class) It is expressed as % Un.
The Network Analyzer function allows the user to Sag Times In the event of dropping under the third
set controls on the voltage in order to analyze the (Third Class) alarm threshold, this defines the time
beyond which the alarm counter is increased.
operation of the system: any time a control pa-
rameter exceeds a preset threshold, an alarm is Two different types of counters for each power
generated. The accuracy of voltage measure- quality monitoring function are made available
ments by the Emax 2 is excellent at 0.5%. The directly on the trip unit touch screen: one is a cu-
Emax 2 Network Analyzer complies with IEEE mulative counter, which stores all the alarms (for
1250-2011, Section 3 for the monitoring of the example, all the voltage sags) from the beginning, and
voltage value, unbalance and harmonic content, one is a 24h counter, that shows the alarms in the
which is the equivalent of IEC61000-4-30 Class S last 24 hours.
for voltage values and unbalance and Class B for With the optional communication module (Mod-
the harmonic content. bus, Profibus, Profinet, etc.) eight counters for
each power quality monitoring function are avail-
Network Analyzer able: one is the cumulative and the other seven
Hourly average voltage value
Short voltage interruption are the daily counters of the last seven days of ac-
Short voltage spikes tivity.
Slow voltage sags and swells
Voltage unbalance
Armonic analysis