Page 16 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 16

Current-limiting operation

                 An important advantage of the current-limiting fuse is its ability to break high fault currents rapidly,
                 which limits the peak current fl owing in the circuit, and consequently limits the let-through I t.
                 Fig.7 illustrates the operation of a fuse interrupting a short-circuit fault current in an a.c. circuit.
                 During the prearcing (melting) period the current closely follows the prospective (available) current
                 wave and the voltage drop across the fuse is quite low. When the fuse element melts and arcing
                 begins, the voltage across the fuse increases rapidly and the current is forced to zero well before the
                 natural zero crossing of the prospective (available) current wave. For clarity the degree of current
                 limitation shown in Fig.7 is low. In actuality, a typical 200A semiconductor fuse, when subjected to a
                 prospective (available) current of 230kA peak, can limit the peak current to about 8kA, reducing the
                 stresses on the circuit by a factor of (8/230) , or to 0.12% of the level without fuse protection.
                 The current-limiting behavior of fuses can be explained by reference to the equivalent circuit, which
                 shows a fuse in a circuit under a short-circuit fault condition. Application of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law gives
                                                   V  (t) = Ri + L- +
                                                                        dt  F
                 Rearranging this to give the rate-of-change of current
                                                                                  di    V  (t) - Ri - 	 F
                                                                                  - =  --
                                                                                  dt          L
                 During the prearcing (melting) period the
                 fuse voltage is almost zero and may be
                 neglected, so when  VS(t)  is positive, the                               prospective
                 circuit current grows as shown, with di/dt          80
                   VS(t)/L. When arcing begins, vF increases       i,KA         fuse
                 rapidly, and if  	  > VS(t)  –  Ri, the rate-of-
                                 F                                  40                               time (s)
                 change of current becomes negative, and
                 the current is «forced» down towards zero.
                                                                             0,005   0,01   0,015   0,02  0,025
                 The presence of the inductance in the                 0
                 circuit prevents the current from changing
                 instantaneously. At the instant the fuse
                 changes its state from the prearcing (melting
                 or low-resistance) state to the arcing (high-
                 resistance) state, the current stays almost       1200
                 constant, and the voltage developed across                      fuse voltage
                 the fuse (arc voltage) increases rapidly.
                                                                                                      time (s)
                 The higher the arc voltage, the more rapidly         0
                 the current will be driven to zero during the          0    0,005   0,01   0,015   0,02  0,025
                 arcing period. If the design objective for
                 semiconductor fuses is to minimize the let-
                                                                                           source voltage
                 through I t, the fuse must be designed to
                 generate a high arc voltage. However there
                 is a practical limit to the magnitude of arc
                 voltage, since in a power electronic circuit,
                 diodes, thyristors and other semiconductor
                 components can experience this arc voltage,
                 in the non-conducting state. In general the              R             L
                 peak arc voltage must not exceed the peak                                             VF
                 inverse voltage withstand capability of the      Vs(t)
                 associated semiconductor devices.

                 Note that the fuse current waveform has a
                 roughly triangular shape, and the total time
                                                                      Fig.7 Limitation of peak current and I t
                 to clear the fault is the sum of the prearcing
                 time and the arcing time. This is illustrated in Fig.8.

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