Page 18 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 18

Current-limiting operation

                 prospective (available) current (threshold current), melting occurs within the fi rst half-cycle, and
                 current-limiting action occurs. At high prospective (available) currents the peak current is much
                 lower than the peak prospective (available) value. For the 30A fuse shown, the peak current is
                 limited to only 3.25kA with an available current of 100kA r.m.s.

                 For a given r.m.s. prospective (available) current, the peak let-through current varies, depending
                 upon   (the angle on the source voltage wave at which the short-circuit occurs). At the 100kA
                 level the highest value is obtained with a symmetrical short-circuit wave, while in the region
                 just above the threshold current the asymmetrical wave gives the highest value. Published data
                 always shows the highest possible (i.e. worst-case) value.

                Melting I t
                 For high short-circuit currents, which cause melting in times of the same order as the a.c. cycle,
                 the melting time varies greatly, depending upon whether the short-circuit current waveshape
                 is symmetrical or asymmetrical. In these cases the time-current characteristic is of limited value,
                 and the coordination of system protection is done using I t values, which are much less sensitive
                 to the waveshape of the short-circuit current.

                 The lower curve in Fig.10 shows how the melting I t of a typical semiconductor fuse varies with
                 the r.m.s. prospective (available) current. For very high currents, the melting I t is constant. This
                 adiabatic region is so called because the rate of heating is so high that heat losses from the
                 element notch zones can be neglected. For lower prospective (available) currents the melting
                 time is longer, and heat losses from the notch zones cause the I t required to produce melting
                 to increase.

                               I2t                                                  total clearing I2t curve
                                                             arcing I2t

                                                                                   melting I2t curve
                                                            melting I2t  adiabatic melting

                                    1                     10                     100
                                            RMS prospective (available) current, KA
                                                   Fig.10 I t characteristics
                 Total clearing I  t
                 The upper curve in Fig.10 shows the total clearing I t, which is given by

                                                    Total clearing I t    =    melting I t       +     arcing I t
                 In applying fuses for short-circuit protection, the total clearing I t of the fuse must be less than
                 the I t damage level of the device or system being protected.
                 Published data gives the worst-case total I t at the fuse’s rated voltage, frequency and circuit
                 power factor. However in real-world applications, the fuses are used in systems at lower voltages.
                 When the applied voltage is lower than the fuse’s rated voltage, the current-limiting action is
                 more effective, and the total I t is reduced.
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