Page 19 - Semi Conductor use application guide
P. 19

Current-limiting operation

         The actual I t values which apply at voltages less than rated voltage can be determined by multiplying
        the published values by a correction factor K, obtained from curves such as that shown in Fig.11.
        1,5                                                1500
               I2t correction factor                              peak arc voltage

        0,5                                                 500

         0                                                   0
           0     100    200    300    400    500   600         0     100   200    300    400   500    600
                           r.m.s voltage                                       r.m.s voltage

         Fig.11 I t correction factor v.s applied voltage      Fig.12 Peak arc voltage v.s applied voltage

           Peak arc voltage

        The peak arc voltage developed across the fuse during short-circuit interruption decreases as the
        source voltage decreases. Fig.12 shows this characteristic for a typical 500V fuse.

           Rated breaking currents

        A current-limiting fuse can be thought of as an active device during its operation. When a current
        limiting fuse is subjected to a short-circuit fault,
        it produces a high arc voltage which forces the     100
        current to zero well before the natural current                           max energy point
        zero. During the arcing period a large amount
        of energy is absorbed by the fuse and its fi ller.
        Fig.13 illustrates the variation of this arc energy
        with current for a typical semiconductor           worst-case energy (KJ)  10
        protection fuse. The maximum breaking
        current or interrupting rating, of this fuse is
        100kA, and the fuse is type-tested at this level.
        However, it can be seen that there is a level
        of test current (about 7.5kA in Fig.13) which         1
                                                              0,1            1           10           100
        produces a higher energy. This is known as the
        “maximum energy current” or critical current,                   r.m.s prospective current (KA)
        and semiconductor fuses are also certifi ed at
                                                               Fig.13 Energy absorbed by fuse v.s IRMS
        this test level, to insure that they can safely
        interrupt all possible short-circuit faults.

        As the available current is reduced below the critical current, the energy falls, but at very low currents
        it begins to rise again.

        This corresponds to the overload region. Most semiconductor fuses are short-circuit protective devices,
        and are not designed to interrupt below a certain level of current, known as the minimum breaking
        current. For a.c. faults this limiting condition corresponds to the C-C’ lines on the time-current curve,
        as previously explained in section 4.

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