Page 10 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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1.1  Installation standards                  remaining residual risk is determined. Starting with the un-
                                                    protected state of the building, the remaining risk is reduced
       With the new IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard series, the state   and reduced until it is below the tolerable risk. This method
       of the art in the field of lightning protection is incorporated   can be both used for a simple determination of the class of
       in a uniform and updated international (European) stand-  LPS  in  accordance  with  IEC  62305-3  (EN 62305-3)  and  to
       ard. The actual lightning protection standards (IEC 62305-3     establish a complex protection system against lightning elec-
       (EN 62305-3) and IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)) are preceded by   tromagnetic impulses (LEMP) in accordance with IEC 62305-4
       two general standard parts (IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) and   (EN 62305-4).
       62305-2 (EN 62305-2)) (Table 1.1.1). The supplements to
       the German standards include important national information   Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-2 stand-
       (Table 1.1.2).                               ard (Supplement 1 of the German VDE 0185-305-2
                                                    standard): Lightning threat in Germany
       IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1): General principles  This supplement includes a map of the ground flash density
       This part contains information about the risk of lightning   N g  in Germany. N g  is required for a risk analysis according to
       strikes, lightning characteristics and the resulting parameters   IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2).
       for simulating the effects of lightning strikes. In addition, an
       overview of the IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard series is given.   Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-2 stand-
       Procedures and protection principles, which form the basis for   ard (Supplement 2 of the German VDE 0185-305-2
       the following parts, are explained.          standard): Calculation assistance for assessment of
                                                    risk for structures
       IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2): Risk management    This supplement includes a calculation assistance for as-
       Risk management in accordance with IEC 62305-2     sessing the risk according to IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)
       (EN 62305-2) includes a risk analysis to determine whether    to protect structures and persons according to IEC 62305-3
       lightning  protection  is  required. A  technically  and  economi-  (EN 62305-3) as well as electrical and electronic systems in
       cally optimum protection measure is then defined. Finally, the   structures according to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4).

       Classification                Title
       IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1):2010-12  Protection against lightning Part 1: General principles
       IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2):2010-12  Protection against lightning Part 2: Risk management
       IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3):2010-12  Protection against lightning Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
       IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4):2010-12  Protection against lightning Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
       Table 1.1.1  Lightning protection standards valid since December 2010

       Standard       Supplement  Title
                          1       Lightning threat in Germany
       DIN EN 62305-2     2       Calculation assistance for assessment of risk for structures
                          3       Additional information for the application of DIN EN 62305-2 (VDE 0185-305-2)
                          1       Additional information for the application of DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)
                          2       Additional information for special structures
       DIN EN 62305-3     3       Additional information for the testing and maintenance of lightning protection systems
                          4       Use of metallic roofs in lightning protection systems
                          5       Lightning and overvoltage protection for photovoltaic power supply systems
       DIN EN 62305-4     1       Sharing of the lightning current
       Table 1.1.2  Supplements to the German DIN EN 62305 standard

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