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Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-2 stand-  electrodes, manually or industrially produced components and
          ard (Supplement 3 of the German VDE 0185-305-2   corrosion protection measures were also added or illustrated
          standard): Additional information for the application   in figures.
          of DIN EN 62305-2 (VDE 0185-305-2)
          This supplement includes information and figures to make it   Supplement 2 of the German DIN EN 62305-3
          easier to use and understand the standard and considers new   standard (Supplement 2 of the German VDE 0185-
          findings.                                    305-3 standard): Additional information for special
          IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3): Physical damage to    This supplement includes information on special structures
          structures and life hazard                   such as hospitals, sports grounds, swimming baths, silos with
          This part deals with the protection of structures and persons   potentially explosive areas, high-rack warehouses, sewage
          from material damage and life-threatening situations caused   plants and biogas plants, thus taking into account the techno-
          by the effects of lightning currents or dangerous sparking,   logical development over the last years.
          especially in the event of direct lightning strikes. A lightning
          protection system comprising external lightning protection   Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 stand-
          (air-termination system, down-conductor system and earth-  ard (Supplement 3 of the German VDE 0185-305-3
          termination system) and internal lightning protection (light-  standard): Additional information for the testing
          ning equipotential bonding and separation distance) serves   and maintenance of lightning protection systems
          as a protection measure. The lightning protection system is   This supplement gives information on the inspection of light-
          defined by its class of LPS, class of LPS I being more effective   ning protection systems and provides flow charts. Moreover,
          than class of LPS IV. The class of LPS required is determined   terms and their meaning (e.g. lightning protection specialist)
          with the help of a risk analysis carried out in accordance with     are defined. This supplement includes figures on the different
          IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2), unless otherwise laid down in reg-  measuring methods for inspecting lightning protection sys-
          ulations (e.g. building regulations).        tems (contact resistance, earth resistance) and information on
                                                       the documentation.
          Supplement 1 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 stand-
          ard (Supplement 1 of the German VDE 0185-305-3   Supplement 4 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 stand-
          standard): Additional information for the application   ard (Supplement 4 of the German VDE 0185-305-3
          of DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)           standard): Use of metallic roofs in lightning protec-
          Supplement 1 provides more detailed information on Annex E    tion systems
          “Guidelines for the design, construction, maintenance and   Metallic roofs can be used as a natural component of a light-
          inspection of lightning protection systems” of the standard.   ning protection system. The aim of this supplement is to pro-
          It focuses on the dimensioning of the air-termination system,   vide additional information on the use of metallic roofs ac-
          use of metal components, positioning of air-termination con-  cording to the IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard.
          ductors and rods, use of protected volumes, etc. Moreover,
          information  on  the  fire  behaviour  of  construction  materials   Supplement 5 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 stand-
          and components is provided. To define the scope of the stand-  ard (Supplement 5 of the German VDE 0185-305-3
          ard, the fields where special regulations apply are listed (e.g.   standard): Lightning and overvoltage protection for
          railway systems, electrical transmission, distribution and gen-  photovoltaic power supply systems
          eration systems outside a structure, pipelines, vehicles, ships,   This supplement describes the protection of photovoltaic pow-
          aircrafts and offshore systems).             er supply systems in case of lightning interference and surges
          Moreover, different terms and definitions were defined more   of atmospheric origin. The requirements and measures for en-
          exactly (e.g. down-conductor system, earth electrode, light-  suring the protection, operation and availability of photovol-
          ning equipotential bonding) and notes on the correct use of   taic power supply systems are described.
          aluminium conductors mounted on, in or under the surface,
          mortar and concrete were added. The note that it is basically   IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4): Electrical and electronic
          not allowed to use aluminium in the ground is paramount.  systems within structures
          The use of connecting lines for single earth electrodes is ex-  This part deals with the protection of structures with electri-
          plained based on several sample figures.     cal and electronic systems against the effects of the lightning
                                                       electromagnetic impulse. Based on the protection measures
          Protection measures against touch and step voltage and the   according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3), this standard also
          use of gutters, downpipes and steel columns, natural earth   considers the effects of electrical and magnetic fields as well

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