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as induced voltages and currents caused by direct and indirect   liability only exists, however, if the work was already faulty at
       lightning strikes.                           the time of acceptance! Circumstances occurring subsequently
       The importance and necessity of this standard derive from the   – such as a further development of the state of the art – do
       increasing use of different electrical and electronic systems,   not belatedly make the previously accepted, defect-free work
       which are referred to as information systems. To protect these   faulty!
       information systems, the structure is divided into lightning pro-  For the question of the deficiency of work and service, the state
       tection zones (LPZs). This allows to consider local differences   of the recognised engineering rules at the time of the accept-
       in number, type and sensitivity of the electrical and electronic   ance is the sole deciding factor.
       devices when choosing the protection measures. For each   Since, in the future, only the new lightning protection stand-
       lightning protection zone, a risk analysis in accordance with    ards will be relevant at the time of completion and acceptance
       IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) is performed to select those protec-  of lightning protection systems, they have to be installed in
       tion measures which provide optimum protection at minimum   accordance with these standards. It is not sufficient that the
       cost.                                        service conformed to the engineering rules at the time it was
                                                    provided, if, between completion of a contract, service provi-
       The IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standards Parts 1 to 4 can be used   sion and acceptance of the construction work, the technical
       to design, install, inspect and maintain lightning protection   knowledge and hence the engineering rules have changed.
       systems for structures, their installations, their contents and   Thus, works which have been previously installed and already
       the persons within.
                                                    accepted under the old standards do not become defective be-
                                                    cause, as a result of the updating of the standards, a “higher
                                                    technical standard” is demanded.
       1.2  Work contracts                          With the exception of lightning protection systems for nuclear
       A work contractor is fundamentally liable for ensuring that his   facilities, lightning protection systems have only to conform
       service is free of deficiencies. Compliance with the recognised   to the state of the art at the time they are installed, i.e. they
       engineering rules is the decisive starting point for work and   do not have to be updated to the latest state of the art. Exist-
       service  free  of  deficiencies.  Relevant  national  standards  are   ing systems are inspected in the course of maintenance tests
       used here in order to fill the factual characteristic of the “rec-  according to the standards in force at the time they were in-
       ognised engineering rules” with life. If the relevant standards   stalled.
       are complied with, it is presumed that the work and service is
       free of deficiencies. The practical significance of such a prima
       facie evidence lies in the fact that a customer who lodges a   1.3  Product standards
       complaint of non-conform service by the work contractor (for
       example for the installation of a lightning protection system)   Materials and components for lightning protection systems
       has basically little chance of success if the work contractor can   must be designed and tested for the electrical, mechanical and
       show that he complied with the relevant technical standards.   chemical stress (e.g. corrosion) which has to be expected dur-
       As far as this effect is concerned, standards and preliminary   ing use. This affects both the components of the external and
       standards carry equal weight. The effect of the presumption of   internal lightning protection system.
       technical standards is removed, however, if either the stand-
       ards are withdrawn, or it is proven that the actual standards no   IEC 62561-1 (EN 62561-1): Lightning protection
       longer represent the state of the art. Standards cannot stati-  system components (LPSC) – Requirements for
       cally lay down the state of the recognised engineering rules in   connection components
       tablets of stone as technical requirements and possibilities are   This standard describes test procedures for metal connec-
       continually changing. If standards are withdrawn and replaced   tion components. Components falling within the scope of this
       with new standards or preliminary standards, it is primarily   standard are:
       the new standards which correspond to the state of the art.
       National supplements reflect the recognised state of the art.  ¨  Clamps
       Contractors and those placing an order for work regularly   ¨  Connectors
       agree that the work must conform to the general state of the   ¨  Connection components
       art without the need to make specific mention of this. If the   ¨  Bridging components
       work shows a negative deviation from this general state of the
       art, it is faulty. This can result in a claim being made against   ¨  Expansion pieces
       the contractor for material defect liability. The material defect   ¨  Test joints

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