Page 8 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Since its foundation in 1980, the “Lightning Protection” Tech-  ments were prepared by different experts, many aspects from
       nical Committee IEC TC81 of the International Electrotechnical   science as well as from the design, installation and inspection
       Commission (IEC) has published numerous standards on the   of lightning protection systems were taken into account. The
       topics of lightning protection for buildings, protection of elec-  supplements are state of the art and must be observed.
       tronic systems, risk analysis and simulation of lightning effects.
       Parts 1 to 4 of the international IEC 62305 standard series,   This revised and considerably extended edition of the Light-
       which was published in 2006, laid the foundation for lightning   ning Protection Guide is supposed to make experts in this
       protection standards and their application. This standard se-  field (designers or installers) familiar with the new IEC 62305
       ries was published almost at the same time as the European   (EN  62305)  standard  series. For  this  purpose,  our  Lightning
       lightning protection standard series EN 62305 Parts 1 to 4.   Protection Guide includes comprehensive practical solutions
       The entire IEC standard series was further developed between   for different applications. It also provides general information
       2006 and 2010 and was finally published as IEC 62305 Parts   on the wide-ranging field of lightning and surge protection
       1 to 4:2010-12 (edition 2) in December 2010. While the ad-  which is a major business area of DEHN where the fourth gen-
       aptations were internationally accepted, only Parts 1, 3 and 4   eration is now in charge.
       were accepted on the European level and were published as
       EN documents in October 2011. Part 2, however, was adapted   At this point we would like to thank Mr Thomas Dehn, former
       to European requirements, improved and finally published as a   DEHN Managing Partner of the third generation, for his long-
       European standard in March 2012.             standing commitment to science, research and education. This
       When designing and installing lightning protection systems,   book would not have been published without him.
       contractors will have to observe the IEC 62305 (EN 62305)
       standard series to comply with the state of the art. To this end,   The third edition of our Lightning Protection Guide is now
       they must make themselves familiar with the content of the   available and we hope that this guide will be useful to you.
       new lightning protection standards.          We kindly ask you to help us improve our Lightning Protec-
       European treaties require that countries completely adopt Eu-  tion Guide. Please do not hesitate to send your corrections and
       ropean standards on the national level (not only in the field   suggestions to [email protected].  We are
       of lightning protection). Therefore, additional information is   looking forward to your feedback and we will do our best to
       provided in the form of national supplements. These supple-  consider it in the next edition.
       ments are not contradictory to the actual standard and are
       only informative from a legal point of view. Since these supple-  DEHN + SÖHNE, December 2014

       DEHN + SÖHNE, Neumarkt

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