Page 312 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 312

No.  Protection for...                       Surge protective device            Part No.
       Combined arresters for information technology systems
       at the boundaries from LPZ 0 A  (0 B ) ¨ LPZ 1 or area 0/A (0/B) ¨ area 1
                                                    BXT ML2 BE S 24 (2 cores + earth drain wire)  920 224
            Alarm line groups, external alarms      BXT ML4 BE 24 (4 cores)             920 324
            (24 V) (in this case max. 0.75 A)       + BXT BAS                           920 300
                                                    + SAK BXT LR (for earth drain wire)  920 395
                                                    BXT ML2 BD 180                      920 247
            Exchange line U K0  of the fixed-line operator
                                                    + BXT BAS                           920 300
       Surge arresters for power supply systems at the boundaries from LPZ 0 B  ¨ LPZ 1 or area 0/B ¨ area 1
            a.c.TN-S system                         DG M TN 275                         952 200
            a.c. TT system                          DG M TT 2P 275                      952 110
       Table 9.9.1  Combined arresters and surge arresters in Figures 9.9.1 to 9.9.3

       measures provide comprehensive protection against damage   allows to connect the earth drain wire by means of an EMC
       resulting from lightning strikes and surges (Figures 9.9.1 to   spring terminal. For cables with more than two wires, a four-
       9.9.3).                                      wire version of type BXT ML4 BE … is available. Surge protec-
                                                    tive devices are selected according to the voltage of the alarm
       Monitoring principles                        lines, which is typically between 12 and 48 V (Table 9.9.1).
       Different monitoring principles are used for emergency alarm   The low internal resistance of BLITZDUCTOR arresters is also a
       systems:                                     clear advantage since the maximum resistances of the alarm
       ¨  Pulse polling technology                  lines must not be exceeded.
         Information from the  detector  which has  triggered  the   For the outputs of the alarm panels (acoustic and visual alarm)
         alarm is digitally transmitted. This allows to identify the   it must be ensured that the nominal current of the surge pro-
         detector and its exact location (Figure 9.9.1).  tective devices is not exceeded.
       ¨  Analogue ring                             A  telephone  dialler  is  typically  used  if  the  alarm  panel  is
         The addressable detectors define each detector in a ring.   connected to the exchange line of a fixed-line operator e.g.
         Line interruptions or short-circuits do not compromise the   Deutsche Telekom. BLITZDUCTOR XT of type BXT ML2 BD 180
         function (Figure 9.9.2).
                                                    is ideally suited for this purpose. The power supply system can
       ¨  d.c. circuit technology                   be protected by means of DEHNguard modular surge protec-
         According to the closed-circuit principle, every alarm line   tive devices (Table 9.9.1).
         is permanently monitored. If a detector in a line is trig-  Emergency alarm systems, which must be approved by the
         gered, the line is interrupted and an alarm is produced in   German  Insurance Association  (VdS  approval),  must  comply
         the alarm panel. However, only the alarm line, but not the   with VDS 2095 (fire alarm systems), VDS 2311 (burglar alarm
         individual detector can be identified (Figure 9.9.3).  systems) and VDS 2833 (surge protective devices for emer-
       Irrespective of the monitoring principle used, all cables extend-  gency alarm systems).
       ing between the different areas of the emergency alarm sys-
       tem must be integrated in the lightning and surge protection   The Executive Board or Executive Director of a company is re-
       concept of the overall system.               sponsible for the health and safety of all employees. In the
                                                    legal sense, a system operator is an ordinary person who is not
       Recommended protection                       able to assess whether risks may arise from a technical solu-
       BLITZDUCTOR XT of type BXT ML2 BE … must be installed to   tion. Therefore, electricians, who provide technical solutions,
       protect two-wire alarm lines (approval from the manufacturer   must make sure in every single case whether their solutions
       required, please contact DEHN + SÖHNE GmbH + Co.KG.) and   meet the actual requirements.

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