Page 394 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 394

The necessity of lightning protection systems for playing fields   juries in critical environments such as floodlights, metal fences
       and sports grounds as well as the neighbouring spectator gal-  and  escape  routes.  More  detailed  information  on  this  topic
       leries is increasingly publicly discussed. Recent damage and   can be found in the publications by the German Association
       the increased thunderstorm frequency (Figure 9.22.1) under-  for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE)
       line that adequate protection measures are required. Light-  (“Richtiges Verhalten bei Gewitter” [What to do in a thunder-
       ning strikes to floodlights, spectator galleries, fences or even   storm]) or by the German Committee for Lightning Protection
       playing fields pose a high risk to sportspersons and specta-  and Research (ABB) (e.g. “Überlegungen zum Blitzschlag an
       tors. Persons who are directly hit by lightning or stand next   dem Sportplatz in Wald-Michelbach am 08.08.2008” [Consid-
       to lightning current carrying parts and carry partial lightning   erations concerning the lightning strike to the sports ground
       currents themselves as a result of flashover may be seriously   in  Wald-Michelbach  on  08/08/2008]).  Supplement  2  of  the
       injured or may even die. Persons who are not directly hit by   latest German DIN EN 62305-3 standard describes how to in-
       lightning, but stand next to the point of strike (potential gradi-  stall fixed protection systems on buildings, lighting systems or
       ent area) bridge a life-threatening voltage difference with their   spectator galleries.
       legs (step voltage) or by touching other persons. This results in
       injuries such as ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrhythmia and   Lightning protection for buildings / lightning
       injuries caused panic. Therefore, the German building regula-  equipotential bonding
       tions of some federal states require the following:  Covered stands, locker rooms and club houses provide shel-
                                                    ter  in  case  of  unexpected  heavy  rain  and  thunderstorms. A
       Structures where a lightning strike can easily occur or   lightning protection system according to class of LPS III as per
       can have serious consequences due to their location,   IEC 62305-3 (EN62305-3) is at least required for these types
       type of construction or use must be equipped with   of building. For uncovered spectator galleries, class of LPS II
       permanently effective lightning protection systems.    must  be  used according  to  Supplement  2  of the  German
       (Bavarian Building Regulation (Bay Bo), section 44)  DIN EN 62305-3 standard. In case of a lightning strike, partial
                                                    lightning currents may also flow through metal fences, parts
       This article also applies to sports grounds.  of the spectator gallery, flagpoles or scoreboards. The result-
       Therefore, experts defined organisational guidelines for behav-  ing potential differences lead to uncontrolled flashover which
       iour and warning notices which preventively warn of lightning   causes fire and endangers persons and animals in close prox-
       hazards. If hazards are recognised in time, dangerous areas   imity. To prevent this, these parts must be conductively inter-
       can be left and buildings or designated shelters can be sought.   connected. Figure 9.22.2 shows the connection of a lightning
       Additional lightning protection measures reduce the risk of in-  protection system to the 230/400 V power supply system at

          registered  3,000,000





                          1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
                          Ref.: Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungsgesellschaft e.V. + BLIDS  year
       Figure 9.22.1  Number of lightning strikes registered in Germany from 1996 to 2011

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