Page 391 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 391

Petrol stations are highly vulnerable to lightning strikes and   Equipment located in the forecourt (e.g. petrol price display)
          surges due to their extremely sensitive control and display   and the incoming utility line are vulnerable to direct lightning
          systems.                                     strikes. Therefore, lightning current arresters are installed at
          In Germany, the necessity of a lightning protection system for   the entrance point into the building.
          petrol stations must be determined amongst others based on a   The fuel dispensers are located underneath a projecting metal
          risk analysis according to the German Ordinance on Industrial   roof and are thus protected  against direct lightning  strikes.
          Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the German technical rules for   For this reason and due to the intermeshed earth-termination
          operating safety (TRBS 2152 Part 3), VDE standards and fire   system (Figure 9.21.1), surge arresters are installed at the
          protection requirements of the relevant building regulations.   entrance point of the lines into the petrol station building and
          The German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health    at the entrance point of the lines into the fuel dispenser to
          (BetrSichV)  requires to avoid all sources of ignition. Some   protect the lines leading to the fuel dispenser electronics.
          building regulations specify that structures where a lightning
          strike can easily occur or can have serious consequences due   A  professional  external  lightning  protection  system  as  per
          to their location, type of construction or use must be equipped   IEC  62305  (EN  62305),  consistent  lightning  equipotential
          with permanently effective lightning protection systems.  bonding and additional surge protection measures are re-
                                                       quired to protect petrol stations from direct lightning strikes.
          The risk analysis described in the IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)   The table in Figure 9.21.1 shows which types of surge protec-
          lightning protection standard can be used to determine pos-  tive devices can be used to protect the different interfaces and
          sible risks. The system-specific parameters define the existing   system components.
          risk of a structure. If the risk values determined are higher than   It  is  important  to  interconnect  all  metal  constructions  (e.g.
          the tolerable risks listed in the standard, measures (external   pipes, fuel dispenser enclosures, tanks) and to connect them
          lightning protection, surge protection, fire alarm systems, etc.)   to the earth-termination system of the petrol station building.
          must be taken which reduce the inadmissibly high risks to an   According to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3), the earth-termination
          acceptable level.                            system should have an earth resistance of < 10 Ω (recommen-
          The IEC 60364-1 (HD 60364-1) standard specifies that “prop-  dation). Spark gaps for use in hazardous areas must be used to
          erty shall be protected against damage as a consequence of   connect petrol stations with cathodic corrosion protection to
          overvoltages such as those originating from atmospheric   the earth-termination system.
          events or from switching”.
          The surge protective devices recommended in this standard   The bus systems, sensors and information technology connec-
          must not be installed in Ex zones (zone 0, 1 and 2), if any.   tions listed in Figure 9.21.1 are by no means complete and
          If surge protective devices are located in hazardous zones,   merely serve as examples. They may only be installed based
          adequate measures (e.g. approved enclosures and / or ap-  on the information provided in the detailed planning and the
          proved surge  protective  devices) must be taken to avoid    requirements and notes of the acceptance body.

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