Page 398 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 398

Golf courses by nature extend over large areas and include many
       facilities such as club houses, caddy / trolley sheds (frequently
       with integrated driving range), locker / change rooms, halfway
       houses, shelters and golf cart parking lots / garages (with bat-
       tery charging units). Widespread irrigation and sprinkler systems
       ensure the quality of the greens. Golf courses are often located
       in areas where low-voltage power supply is not readily avail-
       able and receive power from the distribution network operator
       (DNO) as medium voltage (compact station).
       In general, it is advisable to assess the risk resulting from a
       lightning strike for all concern areas of the golf course as per   r ≥ 3 m
       IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) and to plan protection measures         ≥ 100 KΩ     r ≥ 3 m
       based on the results of this risk analysis.                   e.g. 5 cm asphalt
       Lightning protection measures are a combination of external
       lightning protection and lightning equipotential bonding for   direction of access
       all service lines entering and leaving the building such as the
       metal gas and water pipes as well as power supply feeder and   Figure 9.23.1  Protection of a shelter with one entrance and defined
       control lines.                                         direction of access against step and touch voltage

       Equipotential bonding measures in accordance with IEC
       62305-3 (EN 62305-3) are e.g.
       ¨  Use of type 1 lightning current arresters (e.g. DEHNventil)   tion board to prevent potentially damaging lightning currents
         for electrical lines                       entering via the power supply feeder cable (Figure 9.23.2).
                                                    The sub-distribution boards are equipped with type 2 surge
       ¨  Direct equipotential bonding of metal systems.   arresters.
       Protection against transients (resulting from indirect lightning   Telephone / data lines usually terminate in a dedicated service
       interference  or  switching  operations  on  the  electrical  sup-  room of the club house. In the simplest case, several telephone
       ply system) is achieved by using type 2 surge arresters (e.g.    lines and lines for data / internet access (U k0  lines) enter the
       DEHNguard), thus increasing system safety and availability.   building.
       Normative information is given in IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4),   A type 1 combined arrester for IT equipment is installed for the
       IEC 60364-4-44 (HD 60364-4-443) as well as EN 50174-2.   U k0  lines near the entrance point into the building.
                                                    Office communication and RFID systems for ball machines, ac-
       Shelters                                     cess control and renting of golf carts play an important func-
       Shelters, for example on golf courses, must not only protect   tion. Therefore,  the  network  card  should  be  protected  by  a
       golfers from storm and rain, but also from lightning interfer-  surge arrester for LAN connections and the power supply by
       ence.                                        a type 3 surge arrester.
       An external lightning protection system in combination with   It is equally important to protect the protective circuit for the
       feasible measures to reduce inadmissibly high step and touch   transmit / receive antenna of the RFID system or for the TV and
       potentials at the entrance and in the shelter are required in   radio satellite antenna near the entrance point into the building.
       case of a lightning strike (Figure 9.23.1). Shelters should not
       be installed at exposed locations (on hills, at the edge of a for-  Caddy / trolley shed with integrated driving range
       est, underneath isolated trees). For more detailed information,   Measures to avoid inadmissibly high step and touch voltages
       please refer to chapter 9.28.                in case of lightning interference are imperative. Protection
                                                    measures are to be taken for highly frequented entrance and
       Club house                                   shelter areas. To this end, numerous measures can be em-
       The power supply feeder cable to the main low-voltage dis-  ployed, for example keeping a surface resistance ≥ 100 kΩ
       tribution board is often located in the basement of the club   within a limited protective area of 3 m around the down con-
       house together with different sub-distribution boards supply-  ductor (e.g. 5 cm asphalt).
       ing power to the restaurants, halfway house, offices, shops,
       and other detached buildings. Regardless of whether an ex-  As described above, lightning equipotential bonding has to be
       ternal lightning protection system exists, a type 1 combined   implemented for the different systems directly at the entrance
       arrester should be installed in the main low-voltage distribu-  point into the building and, if necessary (depending on the

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