Page 395 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 395

Figure 9.22.2  Lightning equipotential bonding by means of    Figure 9.22.3  DEHNconductor HVI light Conductor
                   DEHNventil M

          the entry point of the main low-voltage distribution board
          by means of a DEHNventil combined arrester. The associated
          lightning equipotential bonding system for metal and electron-
          ic systems additionally prevents fire in these structures.

          Isolated air-termination system
          According to the latest lightning protection standards, isolated
          air-termination systems are to be used to protect metal flood-
          light pylons, parts of the spectator gallery, scoreboards and
          flagpoles against direct lightning strikes. These parts are con-
          ductively connected with sensitive electrical / electronic equip-
          ment via electrical lines. Isolated air-termination systems such
          as the  DEHNconductor  HVI system  (high-voltage-resistant,
          insulated conductor, Figure 9.22.3) prevent flashover. Con-
          sequently, no lightning currents will travel through the metal
          floodlight pylons, scoreboards, parts of the spectator gallery
          and  flagpoles,  thus  preventing dangerous lightning currents
          from flowing into sensitive electrical systems. Figure 9.22.4
          shows a DEHNconductor HVI system installed on a pylon. The
          height of the air-termination tip depends on the relevant class
          of LPS, which must be determined in advance. The high-volt-
          age-resistant, insulated down conductor (HVI Conductor) can   Figure 9.22.4  HVI Conductor installed at a pylon
          be directly installed at the pylon in line with the installation
          instructions using system-specific accessories. Thus, lightning
          currents do not enter the pylon and the electrotechnical instal-  bonding and the efficiency of the individual foundation earth
          lation.                                      electrodes. If correctly installed, they form a protected volume
                                                       in case of a direct lightning strike to the cable routes of the
          Lightning protection for floodlights         floodlight (Figure 9.22.5).
          Floodlights next to the sideline or spectator galleries should
          be provided with a lightning protection system. The earth-  Standing surface insulation, touch and step voltage
          termination systems of the individual pylons should be con-  (potential control)
          nected to one another and to the earth-termination systems   Persons standing directly next to lightning current carrying
          of the sports buildings (club houses, locker rooms or technical   floodlight pylons, fences, flagpoles or covered stands during
          buildings). These additional connections improve equipotential   a lightning strike bypass high potential differences with their

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