Page 414 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 414

motor                  wind / rain sensor
                    24 V d.c. < 4 A

              smoke detector
                                                               No.  Surge protective device Part No.
                                                                   DG M TN 275 (TN-S system)  952 200
                                                                   DG M TT 2 P 275 (TT system)  952 110
         fire control
         panel             3*                                      BXT ML4 BE 24        920 324
                           2*                                      + BXT BAS            920 300
                                                                   2 x BXT ML4 BE 24    920 324
                                  230 V / 50 Hz                    + 2 x BXT BAS        920 300
                                                                   BXT ML4 BE 36 (1.8 A)   920 336
                                                                   + BXT BAS or         920 300
                         6*  4* (6*)                               2 x BVT ALD 36 (4 A)  918 408
                                                                   BXT ML2 BE S 24      920 224
                         SDS  VS                                   + BXT BAS            920 300

                         6*   4* (6*)
                         SDS  VS                                   TL2 10DA CC          907 991
                                                                   DRL 10 B 180 FSD     907 401
                                                                   EF 10 DRL            907 498
                                                                   8 x DRL RE 24        907 422
                                                               * Minimum number of required cores
                                                                 (observe manufacturers’ instructions)
       Figure 9.27.3  Domelight located in the protected volume of an air-termination rod on a metal roof of a structure equipped with conventional

       B.  The walls consist of non-conductive material (bricks,   A structure with a metal roof and conventional down con-
         wood, etc.) and the down conductors are connected to   ductors is considered to be critical (Figure 9.27.3). In case
         the earth-termination system at the intervals required by   of a lightning strike, the lightning current will be evenly dis-
         the class of LPS.                          tributed between the down conductors. Nevertheless, the
                                                    structure is still at risk and the relevant separation distance
       Different combinations of air-termination systems (see 1., 2.,   must be maintained. Air-termination systems must also be
       3.) and down conductors (see A., B.) can be used. Ignitable   installed to prevent direct lightning strikes to this type of
       sparkover does not occur in structures with air-termination   structure, however, the domelight is not located in LPZ 0 B .
       systems and down conductors in the combinations 1.+ A.,   Since partial lightning currents may flow into the structure
                                                    via the cable for the drive of the smoke and heat extraction
       2.+ A. or 3.+ A. Air-termination systems must be installed to   system, a lightning current arrester must be installed. Due to
       prevent lightning strikes to the domelights. Thus, the dome-  their size, structures with domelights typically have several
       lights are protected against direct lightning strikes, however,   down conductors which prevent overload of the lightning
       they are not located in LPZ 0 B  since the air-termination sys-  current arrester.
       tems directly conduct the lightning current to the metal roof,
       thus spreading the lightning current over a large area. In   Structure without external lightning protection
       view of the fact that lightning may also strike in the vicinity   system
       of the domelights, it is recommended to install a lightning   No distinction has to be made between metal or non-metal
       current arrester (Figure 9.27.2).            roofs since every direct lightning strike to the structure pre-

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