Page 418 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 418

About 1.5 million lightning incidents are registered in Germany   to a lack or insufficient number of lightning-proof-shelters or
       each year. Lightning is fascinating to watch, but also extremely   their insufficient equipment, for example in the form of a rel-
       dangerous. Annually, thunderstorms kill people and animals   evant notice or a written agreement on limitation of liability,
       and destroy material assets. Especially people exposed in the   shall be excluded.” (translation of page 7 of the 6/2010 edi-
       open such as golfers and hikers are at risk. Severe lightning   tion of the German “Golfmanager” magazine, author: Daniel
       injuries and fatalities are reported each year from all over the   Witaschek)
       world, especially on golf courses. For this reason, shelters are
       vital to protect golfers from lightning interference. In the fol-  Shelters
       lowing, general instructions on lightning protection measures   Shelters should not be installed at exposed locations (on hills,
       for shelters will be provided.               at the edge of a forest, underneath isolated trees) and near
       Shelters, for example on golf courses, must not only protect   hedges and branches within a radius of about 3 m.
       golfers from storm and rain, but also from lightning interfer-  Shelters are only lightning-proof if
       ence. For this reason, there is no question that shelters must be   ¨  They are equipped with an adequate lightning protection
       equipped with a lightning protection system. Golf course op-  system including potential control
       erators have a high duty of care towards their members / golf-  ¨  Conductive systems (e.g. electrical cables) are integrated in
       ers. The liability of, for example golf course operators, is based   the equipotential bonding system and
       on their duty to implement safety precautions. “Golf course   ¨  Suitable measures are taken to prevent touch voltages
       operators have a duty towards each golf course user to avoid
       all impending or existing hazards unless this is impossible or   Lightning protection
       unreasonable for the golf course operator. This duty includes   Frequently, a lightning protection system is simply called a
       both organisational and structural measures.  The number,   lightning rod. As shown in Figure 9.28.1, the lightning pro-
       equipment, size and position of lightning-proof shelters heav-  tection system of a shelter consists of a rooftop air-termination
       ily depend on the size, location and design of the relevant golf   system (air-termination conductor and / or rod), wall-mounted
       course. Lightning-proof shelters must comply with the latest   down conductor (down conductor wire) and earth-termination
       applicable technical requirements. Limitation of liability due   system (commonly an earth rod). The function of a lightning

                         air-termination system

                                                                          down conductor
                                                                          touch voltage

                                                                         earth rod

                                                                          voltage curve

                                       step voltage

       Figure 9.28.1  Risk due to touch and step voltage

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