Page 438 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 438

During producing, processing, storing and transporting flam-  According  to  the  lightning  protection  zone  concept  as  per
       mable substances (e.g. fuel, alcohol, liquid gas, explosive   IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4), adequate surge protective devices,
       dusts),  potentially  explosive  atmospheres  where  no  ignition   which will be described below, must be provided for all lines at
       sources may be present to prevent explosion frequently occur   the boundaries of the lightning protection zones.
       in chemical and petrochemical industrial plants. The relevant
       safety regulations describe the risk for such plants posed by at-  External lightning protection system
       mospheric discharges (lightning strikes). In this context, it must   The external lightning protection system includes all systems
       be observed that there is a risk of fire and explosion resulting   installed outside or inside the structure to be protected for in-
       from direct or indirect lightning discharge since in some cases   tercepting and discharging the lightning current to the earth-
       these plants are widely distributed.         termination system.
       To ensure the required plant availability and safety, a concep-  A lightning protection system for potentially explosive atmos-
       tual procedure is required to protect parts of electrical and   pheres is typically designed according to class of LPS II. An-
       electronic installations of process plants from lightning cur-  other class of LPS can be chosen in justified individual cases,
       rents and surges.                            in case of special conditions (legal requirements) or as a result
                                                    of a risk analysis. The requirements described below are based
       Protection concept                           on class of LPS II.
       Intrinsically safe measuring circuits are frequently used in
       potentially explosive atmospheres. Figure 9.32.1 shows the   Air-termination systems
       general design and lightning protection zones of such a sys-  In potentially explosive atmospheres, air-termination systems
       tem. Since maximum system availability is required and nu-  must be installed at least according to class of LPS II (Table
       merous safety requirements must be observed in hazardous   9.32.1). To determine the relevant points of strike, it is rec-
       areas, the following areas were divided into lightning protec-  ommended to use the rolling sphere method with a minimum
       tion zone 1 (LPZ 1) and lightning protection zone 2 (LPZ 2):  radius according to class of LPS II. However, in case of a light-
                                                    ning strike to the air-termination system, sparking may occur
       ¨  Evaluation unit in the control room (LPZ 2)
                                                    at the point of strike. To prevent ignition sparks, the air-termi-
       ¨  Temperature transmitter at the tank (LPZ 1)  nation systems should be installed outside Ex zones (Figure
       ¨  Interior of the tank (LPZ 1)              9.32.2). Natural components such as metallic roof structures,

                                                                metal container with a
                                                                sufficient material thickness

              air-termination system


           building shield, e.g.
           steel reinforcement

           line to the
           remote potential

                                  intermeshed equipotential bonding system

       Figure 9.32.1  Basic division of an installation into lightning protection zones (LPZs)

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