Page 439 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 439

Protection method                            Typical
            Class    Rolling                                                             down
           of LPS    sphere                  Protective angle α             Mesh size    conductor
                   radius r [m]                                               w [m]    spacing [m]
                                α° 80
              I        20         70                                          5 x 5        10
             II        30                                                    10 x 10       10
             III       45         20             I    II       III     IV    15 x 15       15
             IV        60           0 2   10   20    30    40   50    60     20 x 20       20
                                                                    h [m]
          Table 9.32.1   Arrangement of air-termination systems according to the class of LPS

                                                       Down conductors
                                                       Down conductors are electrically conductive connections be-
                                                       tween the air-termination system and the earth-termination
              air-termination system,                  system. To prevent damage when conducting the lightning
              e.g. telescopic lightning                current to the earth-termination system, the down conductors
              protection mast
                                                       must be arranged in such a way that
                                                       ¨  There are several parallel current paths between the point
                                                         of strike and earth (systems in hazardous areas: one down
             s                                           conductor for every 10 m of the perimeter of the outer roof
                                                         edges, however, at least four),
                                                       ¨  The length of the current paths is as short as possible,
                                                       ¨  Connection to the equipotential bonding system is estab-
                                                         lished wherever necessary.
                                                       ¨  An equipotential bonding system at ground level at inter-
                                                         vals of 20 m has proven its worth.

                                   earth-termination system   The reinforcements of reinforced concrete buildings may
                                   (ring earth electrode)  also be used as down conductors if they are permanently
                                                       interconnected in such a way that they can carry lightning
          Figure 9.32.2  Air-termination system for a tank with air-termination   currents.
                   rods and air-termination cables
                                                       Separation distance
          metal pipes and containers can also be used as air-termination   If there is an insufficient separation distance d between the
          systems if they have a minimum material thickness of 5 mm   air-termination system or down conductor and metal and elec-
          according to Annex D 5.5.2 of the IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)   trical installations inside the structure to be protected, danger-
          standard and the temperature rise and reduction of material at   ous proximities may occur between the parts of the external
          the point of strike do not present additional risks (e.g. reduc-  lightning protection system and metal as well as electrical in-
          tion of the wall thickness of pressure containers, high surface   stallations inside the building. The separation distance d must
          temperature at the point of strike) (Figure 9.32.1).  not be smaller than the safety distance s (d > s).

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