Page 476 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 476

tages.  The space gain, lower wiring effort, integrated fuse   Maximum discharge current I max
       monitoring and the increased protective effect due to short-  The maximum discharge current is the maximum peak value
       er connecting cables are clear advantages of this concept   of the 8/20 μs impulse current which the device can safely dis-
       which is integrated in the DEHNvenCI, DEHNbloc Maxi S,    charge.
       DEHNguard … CI and V(A) NH product families.
                                                    Maximum transmission capacity
       LifeCheck                                    The  maximum  transmission  capacity  defines  the  maximum
       Repeated discharge processes which exceed the specification   high-frequency power which can be transmitted via a coaxial
       of the device can overload arresters in information technology   surge protective device without interfering with the protection
       systems. In order to ensure high system availability, arresters   component.
       should therefore be subjected to systematic tests. LifeCheck
       allows quick and easy testing of arresters.  Nominal discharge current I n
                                                    The nominal discharge current is the peak value of a 8/20 μs
                                                    impulse current for which the surge protective device is rated
       Lightning impulse current I imp
       The lightning impulse current is a standardised impulse current   in a certain test programme and which the surge protective
       curve with a 10/350 μs wave form. Its parameters (peak value,   device can discharge several times.
       charge, specific energy) simulate the load caused by natural
       lightning currents. Lightning current and combined arresters   Nominal load current (nominal current) I L
       must be capable of discharging such lightning impulse cur-  The nominal load current is the maximum permissible operat-
       rents several times without being destroyed.  ing current which may permanently flow through the corre-
                                                    sponding terminals.
       Mains-side overcurrent protection / arrester backup
       fuse                                         Nominal voltage U N
       Overcurrent protective device (e.g. fuse or circuit breaker) lo-  The nominal voltage stands for the nominal voltage of the sys-
       cated outside of the arrester on the infeed side to interrupt   tem to be protected. The value of the nominal voltage often
       the power-frequency follow current as soon as the breaking   serves as type designation for surge protective devices for in-
                                                    formation technology systems. It is indicated as an r.m.s. value
       capacity of the surge protective device is exceeded. No addi-  for a.c. systems.
       tional backup fuse is required since the backup fuse is already
       integrated in the SPD.
                                                    N-PE arrester
                                                    Surge protective devices exclusively designed for installation
       Maximum continuous operating voltage U C     between the N and PE conductor.
       The  maximum  continuous  operating  voltage  (maximum
       permissible operating voltage) is the r.m.s. value of the maxi-
       mum voltage which may be connected to the corresponding   Operating temperature range T U
                                                    The  operating  temperature  range  indicates  the  range  in
       terminals of the surge protective device during operation. This   which  the devices can be used. For non-self-heating devices,
       is the maximum voltage on the arrester in the defined non-  it is equal to the ambient temperature range. The temperature
       conducting state, which reverts the arrester back to this state   rise for self-heating devices must not exceed the maximum
       after it has tripped and discharged. The value of U C  depends   value indicated.
       on the nominal voltage of the system to be protected and the
       installer’s specifications (IEC 60364-5-534).  Protective circuit
                                                    Protective circuits are multi-stage, cascaded protective devices.
       Maximum continuous operating voltage U CPV  for a   The individual  protection  stages may consist of spark gaps,
       photovoltaic (PV) system                     varistors, semiconductor elements and gas discharge tubes
       Value of the maximum d.c. voltage that may be permanently   (see Energy coordination).
       applied to the terminals of the SPD. To ensure that U CPV  is
       higher than the maximum open-circuit voltage of the PV sys-  Protective conductor current I PE
       tem in case of all external influences (e.g. ambient tempera-  The protective conductor current is the current which flows
       ture, solar radiation intensity), U CPV  must be higher than this   through the PE connection when the surge protective device
       maximum open-circuit voltage by a factor of 1.2 (according to    is connected to the maximum continuous operating voltage
       CLC/TS 50539-12). This factor of 1.2 ensures that the SPDs are   U C  , according to the installation instructions and without load-
       not incorrectly dimensioned.                 side consumers.

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