Page 480 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 480

MEB    Main Earthing Busbar                  StSt    Stainless Steel
       MOV    Metal Oxide Varistor                  T       Transformer Cabinet
       MT     Measuring Transducer                  TCU     Telecommunications Connection Unit
       MV     Medium Voltage                        TE      Transmission Equipment
       NT     Network Termination                   TMA     Tower-Mounted Amplifier
       NTBA   Network Termination for ISDN Basic Rate Access  TO   Telecommunications Outlet
       OFC    Optical Fibre Cable                   TOV     Temporary Overvoltage
       PE     Protective Conductor                  UMTS    Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
       PE     Polyethylene                          U       Utility
       PEN    Protective and Neural Conductor       UPS     Uninterrupted Power Supply
       PEX    Cross-linked polyethylene             VDB     Verband Deutscher Blitzschutzfirmen e.V. (Associa-
       PLC    Programmable Logic Controller                 tion of German Lightning Protection Companies)
       PP     Patch panel                           VDE     Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und
       PSU    Power Supply Unit                             Informationstechnik e.V. (German Association for
                                                            Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies)
       PV     Photovoltaic
       RBS    Radio Base Station                    VDEW    Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft e.V.
       RCD    Residual Current Protective Device            (German Association of the Electricity Industry)
       RE     Release Element                       VDN     Verband der Netzbetreiber e.V. beim VDEW
                                                            (Association of German Network Operators at
       RET    Remote Electrical Tilt                        the VDEW)
       RRH    Remote Radio Head                     VDS     Unternehmen des Gesamtverbandes der Deutschen
       RRU    Remote Radio Unit                             Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV) mit den Berei-
       SCI    Short Circuit Interruption                    chen Brandschutz, Security und Bildungszentrum
       SDB    Sub-Distribution Board                        & Verlag (company of the German Insurance
                                                            Association which ensures safety in the fields
       SDS    Smoke Detection System                        of fire protection, security and training centre &
       SEB    Service Entrance Box                          publishing house)
       SELV   Safety Extra-Low Voltage              VS      Ventilation Switch
       SEMP   Switching Electromagnetic Pulse       VS/C    Voltage Supply / Choke
       SPD    Surge Protective Device               ZDC     Zinc Die Casting
       SPM    Surge Protection Measure              ZVDH    Zentralverband des deutschen Dachdeckerhand-
       SS     Security Services                             werks (German Central Association of Roofers)

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