Page 478 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 478

¨  Application  (e.g.  installation,  mains  conditions,  tempera-  Total discharge current I total
         ture)                                      Current which flows through the PE, PEN or earth connection
       ¨  Performance in case of interference (e.g. impulse current   of a multi-pole SPD during the total discharge current test. This
         discharge capacity, follow current extinguishing capability,   test is used to determine the total load if current simultane-
         voltage protection level, response time)   ously  flows  through  several  protective  paths  of  a  multipole
       ¨  Performance  during  operation  (e.g.  nominal  current,  at-  SPD. This parameter is decisive for the total discharge capacity
                                                    which is reliably handled by the sum of the individual paths
         tenuation, insulation resistance)          of an SPD.
       ¨  Performance in case of failure (e.g. backup fuse, disconnec-
         tor, fail-safe, remote signalling option)  Voltage protection level U p
                                                    The voltage protection level of a surge protective device is the
       Short-circuit withstand capability           maximum instantaneous value of the voltage at the terminals
       The short-circuit withstand capability is the value of the pro-  of a surge protective device, determined from the standardised
       spective power-frequency short-circuit current handled by the   individual tests:
       surge protective device when the relevant maximum backup   ¨  Lightning impulse sparkover voltage 1.2/50 μs (100 %)
       fuse is connected upstream.                  ¨  Sparkover voltage with a rate of rise of 1kV/μs

       Short-circuit rating I SCPV  of an SPD in a photovoltaic   ¨  Measured limit voltage at a nominal discharge current I n
       (PV) system                                  The voltage protection level characterises the capability of a
       Maximum  uninfluenced  short-circuit  current  which  the  SPD,   surge protective device to limit surges to a residual level. The
       alone or in conjunction with its disconnection devices, is able   voltage protection level defines the installation location with
       to withstand.                                regard to the overvoltage category according to IEC 60664-1
                                                    in power supply systems. For surge protective devices to be
       Temporary overvoltage (TOV)                  used in information technology systems, the voltage protec-
       Temporary overvoltage may be present at the surge protective   tion level must be adapted to the immunity level of the equip-
       device for a short period of time due to a fault in the high-volt-  ment to be protected (IEC 61000-4-5: 2001).
       age system. This must be clearly distinguished from a transient
       caused by a lightning strike or a switching operation, which   Wave breaker function
       last no longer than about 1 ms. The amplitude U T   and  the     Due to the technical design of type 1 SPDs,
       duration  of  this  temporary  overvoltage  are  specified  in   energy  coordination  of  SPDs  considerably
       EN 61643-11 (200 ms, 5 s or 120 min.) and are individually   varies. Experience has shown that even small
       tested for the relevant SPDs according to the system config-  amplitudes  of  the  10/350  μs  lightning  im-
                                                    pulse  current  overload  downstream  SPDs
       uration (TN, TT, etc.). The SPD can either a) reliably fail (TOV   or  even destroy them if varistor-based type
       safety) or b) be TOV-resistant (TOV withstand), meaning that   1 lightning current arresters are used. In case of spark-gap-
       it is completely operational during and following temporary   based type 1 arresters, in contrast, virtually the total current
       overvoltages.                                flows through the type 1 arrester. Similar to a wave breaker
                                                    the energy is reduced to an acceptable level. The advantage
       Thermal disconnector                         is that the time to half value of the 10/350 μs impulse current
       Surge  protective  devices  for  use  in  power  supply  systems   is reduced due to the reduction of the impulse time and the
       equipped with voltage-controlled resistors (varistors) mostly   switching behaviour of type 1 SPDs. This considerably relieves
       feature an integrated thermal disconnector that disconnects   downstream SPDs.
       the surge protective device from the mains in case of overload   All devices of the DEHN + SÖHNE Red/Line and Yellow/Line
       and indicates this operating state. The disconnector responds   product family are energy-coordinated. Moreover, all type 1
       to the “current heat“ generated by an overloaded varistor and   arresters of the Red/Line family are based on spark gaps and
       disconnects the surge protective device from the mains if a   thus feature this WAVE BRAKER FUNCTION.
       certain temperature is exceeded. The disconnector is designed
       to disconnect the overloaded surge protective device in time   Yellow/Line SPD class
       to prevent a fire. It is not intended to ensure protection against   All DEHN arresters for use in information technology systems
       indirect contact. The function of these thermal disconnectors   are categorised into a Yellow/Line SPD class and are marked
       can be tested by means of a simulated overload / ageing of   with the corresponding symbol in the datasheet and on the
       the arresters.                               rating plate.

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